TO all people going to the next HQ event

Do you have a spare tent?
A spare sleeping bag or blankets?
Spare weapons?

Im asking all HQ/NJ players to consider bringing your spare items and letting those travelling for the national event borrow them for use during the event.

Airlines are charging extra for that 2nd bag and sometimes even for the first bag.

Lets show some hospitality by making all the travelers feel welcome. Please respond to this thread and let me know what you can bring to help our visitors from other alliance chapters feel at home!

If you have tents, and are willing to leave them at the hq site, I can help have them set up so they will be up for those coming long distances and not arriving until late in the dark.

Please help out!

I have a shield that may be used by a traveling pc, as I will be npc-ing and behind desk as nessesary.
I'll be playing Kalaji so I won't need Telokh's polearm at the National. I have a few short swords that I can loan as well.

Mike E.
I have a spare sleeping bag, maybe two. I have some none descriptive shields for use as well I am happy to donate to players in need. If I can come up with anything else before then, I will haul it along.

-Justin C.
i have an extra tent that sleeps like 5 people that somebody can use
I havea buttload of spare graphite and if i can get some experienced foamsmiths working on them I can have made into loaner weapons for the national.
raven said:
i have an extra tent that sleeps like 5 people that somebody can use

Hey! I have an extra tent that I forgot about. Central chamber with mesh walls, can sleep 4 if it doesn't rain. Two side chambers, each sleeps 2.
This is all great. If anyone also has sleeping bags that would be a huge help. Please keep posting what you can lend our visitors from other lands... lol (well ig other lands anyway)

~Erica S
I have a military sleeping bag which has a full body gortex shell so it can double as a tent for those adventurous types. I probably won't be going to national. The only thing I ask is that I know who it goes out to or someone who is going keeps an eye on it since it is issued to me and I'll have to pay for it if for any reason it gets lost.
Gwendara said:
I have a military sleeping bag which has a full body gortex shell so it can double as a tent for those adventurous types. I probably won't be going to national. The only thing I ask is that I know who it goes out to or someone who is going keeps an eye on it since it is issued to me and I'll have to pay for it if for any reason it gets lost.

I am keeping track of all loans. Everything will be tagged as to who it belongs to and I will have a sheet of who is borrowing it.

I will get everything back Monday and store it in NPC camp at HQ for those who cannot take it home with them at the national event.

If I loose it I will personally pay for it. Thanks Christine!
I'll try to steal it for you, and we'll split the proceeds.

Crap, that probably should have been a PM.
I'll just make sure to have an alibi.
so ill kill you and the alibi.
In the words of Brian Bender, "Being it!"
tieran said:
In the words of Brian Bender, "Being it!"

Being it?
Im sure you could be a corpse very easily Justin... so Being it shouldnt be too hard
That is what I get for not sleeping.