To All Potion Makers and Alchemists:


Alliance General Manager
New Hampshire Staff
If time is available to you, I am interested in purchasing as many potions and elixirs as you have the time to make.

I am looking for Healing potions of various potency, Purifies, Spell Shields, Magic Armors, and Awakens. For Elixirs, I am looking for Poison Shields, Antidotes, and Cure Lights.

Any merchants looking to liquidate your stock, feel free to contact me as well.

Forever in your service,
~ Squire Vry
I will be in the Hollow this gather. See me then.

If anyone also happens to make/sell battle magic scrolls, I would be most interested in purchasing magic armor, spell shield, awaken, and binding battle magic scrolls. I will be in the Hollow in a few days time and would love to make the transaction then.

Check with me when you arrive in the Hollow ...