To all who came to aid.

To the Kingdoms and Individuals who gave aid,

I can not begin to thank you all enough. From the single men and women to the fleets of nations, you came to aid us in one of our darkest hours. When the lives of so many thousands were threatened, you all rose to stand for what is right and good for no reason other then it was the right thing to do.

For those who have lost a friend, family, or loved one in this battle know that they gave their lives in the defense of those who would never have stood a chance without their help. Their sacrifice has given hope and life to a quarter million men and women who would have been killed to the man had your loved one not risen to the challenge. So long as such valiant people still walk upon Fortanis I know that the causes of the right and just shall triumph over injustice and evil. There is no greater display of honor then in their sacrifice this day.

For those who fell in battle but still remain I am with you. We who still are blessed with the power of Resurrection in these Deadlands of Laerathen carry a heavy burden. I can not thank you all enough for your dedication in this battle, and the battles ahead.

Know that tho the cost high, and the battle long our show of unity has won the day. The good of Fortanis have shown that together we will stand for what is right and good. Together we have secured the future of hundreds of thousands. Together we have attained victory.

Thank you for answering the call. Thank you.
In Service,
Lord Amaranthus Landcharmer
Lord of Stoneroost, Kingdom of Eire
Man at Arms Brittington Irregulars, Kingdom of Icenia

OOG: If you participated in the battle, but have yet to receive a copy of the write up, feel free to pm me with an email address to send it to, or contact deadlands plot. thank you to everyone who participated in this EPIC between game write up.
Glad my ships could be of service. Many noble people from all lands I must say. Well fought.
It was my great honor to aid you and your people. You have my sword at any time.

-Gwendara Alanik
Lord Amaranthus Landcharmer
Lord of Stoneroost, Kingdom of Eire
Man at Arms Brittington Irregulars, Kingdom of Icenia,

I am glad that our ships were able to help.

Regent FallingStar
I weep in rage! It would have been an even exchange if, with my death, I had been able to have taken just one of the impure lord BASTARDS to its permanent death!
I also wanted to extend my thanks to everyone that helped as well as to pass on a message. For the past few days I have had numerous people come and thank me/us for our help during the battle. From all of those people, thank you.

Yes, weep. Your deaths only impact was robbing Eire of an ally and keeping me from killing more Pure Lords. Perhaps you will take this lesson to heart and keep out of my way. This will soon be important to remember.

Warlord Bjorn
Council of Legacy
I am so glad dhat dhe Salamisian supply ships made dhe journey to you brave men and women. You have dhe respect of mi patron, and so, dhe country I represent. Grazie all. Grazie, grazie.

Fortune and Love Find All

My Lord Landcharmer,

I am glad to have served with a mighty fleet. When next the mist bring us together... we shall split a bottle of wine. The lands of the Hallow shall hold a odd place in my heart, and I was glad to defend it.

I guess I have to find a way up the the Deadlands and test my steel there. I will soon be able to cut things in half... are rare quality among my kind.

Paolo L. Oscarot

P.S. And yes Amaranthus... It did work... HA!
To all who fought and live, but most especially to all who fought and perished.

I'm sorry if this comes out wrong. I tried to make it... something else but the words wouldn't have any of it. I was glad to help, and I'm glad Aolia is safe but... Anyway, I've been thinking about this ever since... that day and this is what finally came out. If you don't like it, I'm sorry, but if you lost someone in this battle then I mourn with you.

A Song to Remember

It was a song to remember
A trumpet clear and loud.
It was rise and fall,
A sailor’s drawl
To his lover in the crowd.

It was a song to remember
The wind that snapped our flag.
And thus assured,
Our victory heard
In the child’s dotty brag.

It was a song to remember
The screams of injured ones.
Companions drop
And ashes stop
The eyes, nose, mouth and lungs.

It was a song to remember
The silent space between.
Then life’s embrace
But how to face,
The widow’s wild keen?

It was a song to remember
It was a song to forget
But there we stood
For ill? For good?
Our course behind us, set.

With deepest humility,