To the Crimes of the 2nd of Penhayir

Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff
By order of Duchess Maebh nic Siobhann, in care of the northwestern territory of Pryderi,

A bounty is set upon the heads of the two necromancers and suspected murderers of House Friend, Zara Bloodrunner. Any information or assistance given in the apprehension and prosecution of these villains shall be under review and given a fair bounty.

The suspects, one large man with short brown hair, wearing glasses and one lanky man with similar short brown hair were in the area of Geistbadden on the 2nd day of Penhayir. They, having knowledge of the terrain and gaining the better of the Adventurers without detection, are believed to be local to the area. They committed assault upon two Adventurers and murdered the Ogreathi, Zara. In the commission of this heinous deed, they did commit an act of vile necromancy upon the fallen female.

Her Grace, through extensive study and review of evidence, has found that no clear evidence holds guilt upon V, the adventurer from the Azure Empire. She releases V and her companion Ama’rali to their own freedom. Her Grace gives specific thanks to one, Tvard Sendall, Goodman of C’Naeus, for his dedicated service to justice.

Her Grace would remind all guests and good citizens to be vigilant and brook naught with unclean necromancers or murderers. She reminds all that the good and righteous path is to dwell in the light and be wary of those who would use the shadowed and evil arts for their way.

May You Dwell In the Light!

*Issued on behalf of the Duchess Maebh nic Siobhann, Guardian of northwestern Pryderi*
Your Grace,

I am sure that all good peoples of Barran will do their utmost to avoid necromancers and murderers.

May all that read this dwell in the light and have the truth shine in their eyes.

I am sure that wherever these two necromancers may hide, and whatever guise they may hide behind, they will be brought to justice.

It is good to hear that V, who you so recently convicted of feeding sapient beings to her companions, has been absolved of suspicion. Knowing that she managed to avoid becoming a necromancer while being raised by a tribe known for the practice is refreshing. Knowing that her tantrum about Zara’s comment about her age surely did not lead to Zara having the world “child” carved into her forehead and corrupted in the basest way possible is a relief.

In service,
I would also like to add that justice comes to all who use necromancy and hide in its darkness. No one should allow such beings to walk the same soil as us.

I will be pleased to see V walking under her own free will and not bound in rope or with broken hands covered in blood.

I'm also glad to see that Amarali was not charged with conspiracy or with obstruction as she proceeded to interfere with the questioning of then-suspect V.

That you two can walk of your own free will, clear of charges, takes a weight from my shoulders. Now I can fully trust the company I keep during gathers and that those in charge can clearly see the truth beyond the lies.

As an aside, I ask that all adventurers remember that if someone has been created as undead by necromantic means, you MUST and WITH ALL HASTE, beat them to a pulp so that you may bring them back to life. I know it is a horrid idea to attack your friends who trust you but it is for their own good. Also, please remember to YELL for a life spell and do not stop yelling until one is successfully administered.

Unrelatedly, Kabuk and Zara, please contact me privately at your earliest conveinence.

I will be brief. I do not prefer to communicate via the dreamscape.

I am humbled by her Grace's decision. Few would deign to consider the word of a Red Back accused of unwholesome scholarly malfeasances and it is with regard to her magnanimous consideration I offer my most sincere gratitude. If any should suspect that her Grace is for some reason unaware of what I am or from what kin I descend, I would politely assure you that such supposition is far from accurate. If ever there were a word to describe this now-concluded legal inquisition, it would without a doubt be "thorough".

If, however, her Grace's verdict fails to absolve me in the eyes of some of our citizenry, I do not begrudge any their incredulity. I can only hope that, in time, my actions will speak to the true nature of my character.

Zara Bloodrunner, I speak to you now. If the legal absolution granted me fails to assuage your suspicions, I invite you to seek me out at your convenience and visit upon me whatever justice you feel is necessary. I have failed you once; to deprive you of satisfactory recompense would be to fail you anew.

Know one thing V, she will not be alone if she seeks you out. I will standing at her side.
I respect the good Duchess' decree, but it does not impede the demands of ogreathi honor. The culprits will be sought and executed, in fair combat, by my own hand. No one else's.

None but I should have words with V.

V: I will see you soon.

Then I will consider this matter concluded. The apsuudi is not our place for this exchange. We will not speak of this again.

Strength and honor,

- Zara Bloodrunner of Baan Silver Skull.
I do apologize for littering the Dream with my prattle.

I don't wish to draw this matter out any further but if any would like to hear the evidence I was able to gather and present to the Duchess, please meet with me. Or, if you'd rather communicate through courier or Dream, I am always at your disposal. I ask that all involved and all wishing to become involved not let fear or anger blind your judgement.

Remain ever vigilant.

-Tvard Sendall

I am currently stuck in another place. I will find you and we will have to have story time.

OOC note: This isn't being filtered. The dream goes out to any who might be listening. Everything after the break is IC.



I will contact you presently.

Vær'lux of the Redback,

I look forward to seeing you in Fury Falls in the Azure Empire when we are called upon. It is good to know you will be the model of what Barran has come to expect when it comes to an adventurer's behavior. You've learned so much from the visitors whom we have been gifted with by the mistwalkers.

Chulainn Steelclaw,

It is good to hear your voice and to know that the troubles in your land of Corrheim have been resolved with you still drawing breath. I look forward to seeing you when next you are in Barran.
You say my name as though it would damn me. Permit me assure you its disuse is rooted not in cowardice, but in respect for my beloved family.

But I digress from that which I wished to say: do not underestimate our transience, cousin. I am no more or less known to the common man or woman than you. "Adventurers" have traversed our land for years and these actions ascribed me, like the actions of those nameless hundreds who preceded me, will be forgotten in due time.

Be safe, Kabuk. It is with no uncertainty I say you do not desire either, but you shall always have my reverence and respect.

(there is a brief, rueful chuckle)

Semper purii. Semper immitis.