It has become increasingly apparent that times are changing for your people, regardless of your wishes. Before we came to the valley, you were ignorant to the abilities that could be used to achieve your own freedom from creatures of evil that we now battle openly.
Opinions and blame are no longer of any importance as to the cause of these battles, only the threat they pose to you and yours. It is time to prepare yourselves to fight for your safety, if you have not already taken the time to do so.
Those who are willing to train and be trained in the skills of combat, be they martial, magical, or alchemical, I invite you to join me at noon in the new area we are travelling to, on the Friday the...30th, I believe. I am away from my calendars, so suffice it to say 16 days from now.
You need to be ready to protect yourself and your family, for it is better to fight and fail then not to fight and feel shame, instead. I look forward to seeing you there.
It has become increasingly apparent that times are changing for your people, regardless of your wishes. Before we came to the valley, you were ignorant to the abilities that could be used to achieve your own freedom from creatures of evil that we now battle openly.
Opinions and blame are no longer of any importance as to the cause of these battles, only the threat they pose to you and yours. It is time to prepare yourselves to fight for your safety, if you have not already taken the time to do so.
Those who are willing to train and be trained in the skills of combat, be they martial, magical, or alchemical, I invite you to join me at noon in the new area we are travelling to, on the Friday the...30th, I believe. I am away from my calendars, so suffice it to say 16 days from now.
You need to be ready to protect yourself and your family, for it is better to fight and fail then not to fight and feel shame, instead. I look forward to seeing you there.