To The Theif Enan Bluewater


Chicago Staff
So it was you who stole my dagger! Be warned, I shall come for you and those you love now that I know this truth! You took the most precious thing from me, so now I shall take something precious from you!

- Cecil Cabal
Cecil Cabal,

It is unwise to call Lord Bluewater a thief, for he is not one. If you would like a Gift of Life we can seek one for you.

Lady FallingStar
Lady Fallingstar,

Do you swear on your ladyship that he did not steal the Ebonshard from me? If no, then hold your tongue. If you aren't certain, then don't speak of things you know not. I know he took it, I know he has it. It shall be returned to where it was taken from, or I'll take things of his and put them in there.

- Cecil Cabal
Cecil Cabal,

You are welcome to come into my den if you dare, yours would not be the first undead's light I have extinguished, and there are a multitude that stand with me.

The Dread Vampire Targus,
The Dread Lord,

and so many more, if you wish to serve as another example I am willing to oblige you, however you may wish to rethink advancing yourself to far up my list of priorities.

-Lord Enan Bluewater,
Keeper of the Azure Keep

Know, that your guild is not safe. I will put each of them into the ground, stalk them when they resurrect and put them down over and over until that dagger is returned. Your deer and the hyena were lucky that walking sapling found them. Know that I will be back in full force.

To Pandora. I urge you caution should you walk alone at night, because when I find you, when you slip up, I will turn you into one of my own, and I will make you kill Enan with your own bare hands!

- Cecil Cabal

Your concern is with me, do not waste your time looking for the members of my keep, seek me out, I will be sure to carry your dagger with me at all times and will be happy to rejoin you with your treasure once we are face to face.

-Lord Enan Bluewater