To Those Interested In House Bengalo

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Hello my fellow adventurers!

I was finally able to discuss with Countess Bengalo about her current political leanings and what she wants to pursue for the future of her House.

Her current standing is no contest. Where she has a leaning based on her desires and growth of her House, neither to her has shown enough to gain her full backing. She is wanting more information before she makes a decision. As for her minor houses, there isn't many under her in the first place, nor do they have the time to attend most debates and political rallies to know the full scoop of the current discussion because they comprise of most the labor force in Rathfall and are incredibly busy. The Countess herself is not going to be able to attend because she is too busy fixing the work force situation in Whitehaven. I will likely be the only noble under her that will be voting unless that changes, which brings me to my next point.

My Countess has tasked me with reaching out to the Unbounded to seek more to join her house. She is willing to not only provide titles, but the path to eventually become a minor house under House Bengalo. When I asked her what she seeks in those that wish to join, she stated a few basic beliefs.

1) The future of Rathfall is the people. It is built on the back of the labor forces and the government should be benefiting them, not just the higher class. House Bengalo works to make sure the average man has a safe working environment that brings fulfillment and livability to all workers and their families.

2) Everyone is judged on their merit, not their standing or origin of birth. Even when the eyes of the law did not see them as equals, hobblings and werewolves were never treated as lower based on that fact. House Bengalo values work over all. Words means nothing if action is not taken.

3) We are a House that works from the background. We do not need to be a being an grandeur or making major political play to do our work. The only thing asked of those that wish to join is a desire to see the safety and comfort of Rathfall's people. House Bengalo's most valuable treasure in their revenue is the unions that The House upholds. Their main interest is protecting those unions.

If you feel that you align yourself with such things, I would like to personally invite such people to a small get-together the next time we gather in Rathfall to meet her and a few of her head Guild Leaders to get to know the House and what we stand for. If you are interested in such prospects, I encourage you to reach out and let me know. I am hoping to send out invites for the event through the Mist Tunnel (tm?) for when you all gather in Gavaria.

Thank you all for your time, and I hope to hear from you.

Onder Astraea Leveilleur, Whip of House Bengalo