To those who wish to give something back...



As you may or may not be aware, with the passing of Goodman Hapen Julian, Honorable Member and Quartermaster of the Hope's Reach Civilian Militia, his estate was put up for auction at the recent feat and festival several months back. This estate was used as a training ground, meeting point, housing, and storehouse for the Hope's Reach Civilian Militia.

I purchased the estate at auction with the intention of it continuing to be a place of learning, training, and center of organization for the militia to ensure that the citizens of hope's reach will continue to be protected and secured against the corrupt. I made an oath to the land and to those who live here to preserve it at all costs, that the line has been drawn and it will be held!

There were many hard losses to us all over the last year, but we can hold our heads up high and be proud that we are accomplishing something that has never been done before...we have never given up ground to the corrupt! We have become a beacon and light and hope that all peoples from Roskaria, Gaden, and now Pratorak can look to!

While many groups of adventurers have helped turn the tide, adventurers alone cannot win the war. This is why I am investing my coin, my time, and my skills to strengthen the Hope's Reach Civilian Militia. The Julian estate and land around it will be dedicated to these efforts, as it is located in a central location within the area, and is already partially move-in ready. With a strong militia at home, this will free up others to continue to take the fight to the corrupt without worrying about exposing their friends and loved ones to danger.

Additionally, there has been an increase in banditry activities, it is my goal to decrease this. One way to help a man (or woman) away from a life of banditry and crime is to give them a job, give them a meaning and a higher purpose to work for. By building up the citizen's militia, we can empowering and providing work for those who may otherwise not have any alternative but to take up arms against their fellow man.

Which brings me to my first point. To my friends and adventurers, if you truely want to give back, I encourage you to help me in this. You can help in many ways, you can help build up training grounds and living quarters for the militia, you can help train, you can invest your time and help with patrols. It is essential for our continued success to continue to build relationships with one another as well as with the citizens who have stood with us against the corrupt!

I will continue to own and operate the Falcon's Roost, all profits and proceeds will go to paying salaries for full-time militia members and covering the costs involved in feeding, clothing, and training. So remember, when you patronize the Falcon's Roost, you are also supporting the people. We will continue to have Saturday Morning Training, but I may not always be present there as I devote more and more of my time to the Militia.

Which brings me to my second, and final, point. With my close involvement with both the militia and being an active Guardian Counsel Member, many would say that there would exist a conflict of interest as I could potentially be influenced or swayed by multiple competing interests.

I am therefore officially stepping down as a Guardian of Hope's reach for the time being and am to be temporarily replaced (pending full counsel approval) by D’rezz Zandrick who has been operating as my Second. Though I may be stepping down as a “formal” Guardian, I will always remain a guardian of Hope’s Reach.

In short, if you wish to help me and in turn help the citizens of Hope’s Reach, come to the Julian estate and invest yourself, there is plenty of land and room for us all.

Kind Regards,

Proprietor of the Falcon’s Roost
Humble Militiaman of Hope’s Reach
My dearest McGregor,

I fully honor your decision to relinquish your title as a Guardian of Hope's Reach, and, while I have no doubt that D'Rezz is a worthy candidate for Guardianship, I am still slightly saddened to believe it. I was present at your appointment to the Council, and I myself voted for your placement upon it. You have served the Hope's Reach area with all your might, physically and mentally, and, while I have seen your efforts go unappreciated by many locals and mistwalkers, you have been fundamental in upholding the peace and structure of our society. I hope that a Council that lacks a McGregor will be able to uphold peace (meaning no disrespect to any other Guardians), and I hope that your dedication and leadership that made you such a wonderful Guardian in the first place will aid you in your organization of the Militia. If there is anything I can do to assist you, just say the word, for I have always trusted you (whatever you have thought of me for any reason), and I always will trust you.

The militia is very blessed to have the assistance of such a magnificent bald guy.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft