To ze vone 'o killed Jarrin

Lanna Rose

You coward. 'Ow could you do zomezing zo honorlez? You zink zat you've gotten avay viz zomezing, but you 'ave not. Ve vill find you. You not only killed a Biata but you alzo killed a Romani Rai. Ztupid. Iv you 'ad but juzt killed both ov us no vone vould 'ave known any better. You are a coward and an idiot. It vould juzt be eazier for you to turn your zelv in. But iv you don't vant to do zat and you vould razer faze my familia and Jarrin alone zen come to ze gazer next monz in ze deadlandz. For I'm sure zat iz vere ve firzt meet. It vould zeem fitting. Iv you 'ave any honor you vould admit to vat you 'ave done vrong and faze ze punishment.

To any planning on going to ze deadlandz next gazer zat vas in Fairedale ziz gazer. Please to remove any doubt come zee Jarrin and myzelf. For I do not believe zat ze coward 'o vould ztab zomevone in ze back vile ze are azleep vould come to uz faze to faze.

~Lanna Rose~
Lanna Rose is right. The one who did this did not get away with anything. This matter is not settled. We will find you.

You will know that the good and noble people of Fairedale do not tolerate this type of behavior, and the punishment will be no less harsh despite whatever self-defect drove you to do this cowardly act. Killing a defenseless sleeping citizen in their bed, right beside their betrothed is a new and unrefreshing low. You are a spineless traitor and a stain on the honor of the cause we fight for, you deserve nothing more than the death you so impotently spread.

-Rock of Trellheim
Squire Sergeant Ignatius Skippio Vex
I do not normally engage in conversation or debate here, but I feel it necessary to do so now.

Lana Rose,
Presuming I understand what you are actually saying, I feel it necessary to warn you that anyone who chooses to come to Eire is expected to obey the laws put in place by the queen. This is not an unusual expectation, and is in fact common in every land.

There is no official extradition treaty between Eire and Icinia, in fact there are no official treaties between them. So if the person who committed this crime in Icinia does appear in Eire I highly suggest you go through the proper channels to attempt to have them brought to justice. Doing so yourself is unlawful, and You will find yourself facing your own criminal trial.

I would not expect much however in the way of having crimes from one land tried in another land through the mists. There are a number of complications and difficulties to overcome for such things to happen. I’m not saying not to try, but do not expect instant results.

Anyone coming to Eire, and committing crimes against those protected by her laws Will find themselves brought to justice, I will see to it personally.

Squire Sergeant Vex,
If you think this person is coming to Eire, I would gladly take any information on the murder that you care to share, as it may help prevent additional crimes here, or aid in bringing this person to justice.
I hope to be able to aid you and the members of the Vex squad again soon.

-Squire Kainen Morloki
I almost forgot.

Please inform your betrothed Jarrin, that I expect him to report to me the next time he is in Eire to discuss the charges of murder brought against him back in July.

Some times your tongue can get get you in to much trouble, allow this to be settled by the proper people so that justice cann be served. We shall speak of this later in private.

Squire Sergeant Vex,
It is good to know that even with our differences you still search for my murderer, agaion Thank you.

Squire Kainen Morloki,
As I told Squire Savaria I plan on being at next months gather in the deadlands, to deal with these "murder" charges. Though I must ask what is the punishment for killing a creature that came out of a board game and was intent on killing me. I defended myself to the best of my abilites and took my own life when I was told it was a gorbe that I had killed, appearently if my betrothed is correct in her assumption then someone who was at that gather, made a trip to Fairdale and decided that one death wasn't enough. I have no problem in facing my crime but if I come there and give yet another death for killing a thing from a board game you can be sure that my blade and Lanna's spells will be leaving faster then they showed up there because we will not help protect a land that allowed me to give more then one death for a board game!

Now to the one who stabbed me while I slept I can't kill you because I will be charged with murder, but there is always another way. If it is whom I think it is then I challenge you to honor combat anytime any place, you can pick the stipulations. But it will be face to face and we will both be awake. And if you wish to take Lanna's advice that is fine but I will be turning over that information to the proper people to have you brought to justice. Oh I should say they will be in Fairdale not Deadlands.
Jarrin V.
I'm not sure why you chose death, Jarrin, or who told you this was apt punishment; as far as I am aware, all of the nobility was sucked into the board -- and they are the only ones who can give your crime a name and a punishment, despite what others have spoken. And that's why "killing a thing from a board game" was brought to the nobility with concern -- as far as I have heard, all of the pieces and people in the board game were real, living citizens, such as Squire Kainen.

But if you have a suspicion to whom assassinated you -- which, by the way both of you are speaking, it appears you do -- I suggest you bring it to Squire Sergeant Vex or Squire Kainen, since idle threats will do little more than rile further violence.

- Sevaria of Goshawk
Heirophan Childe of the Deadlands
Charges were brought against you, so they will be investigated. I made no implication as to your guilt or innocence. The bizarre circumstances that both yourself and Sevaria mention are all part of the whole, and will all be taken into account if the Justicar decides a trial is necessary.

To answer your question. Defending yourself from an attack is not a crime. Killing a protected race is considered murder. If you were attacked by another protected race, the correct course of action would have been to disable your attacker, and then bring them Alive to the appropriate authorities. Certain exceptions are made for known criminals, however for the general populace you should not be running them through.

If either yourself or Lana feel that I have threatened you, allow me to apologize. I do not make threats. I simply am well aware of the passion with which the Romani live life, and did not wish for Lana to become overzealous in this matter. I do not want to see good people punished for breaking laws, when there are other solutions.

If you are concerned for your safety in Eire from this unknown person I would suggest you speak with me on the matter, as I can likely help provide you with some additional measures of protection against a repeated performance.

-Squire Kainen Morloki
Wow, you guys're loudz. *The sound of a foot coming up to scratch an ear can be heard*

So somebody was killed by somebody in Fairdale? Do Cora Rori and Dame Daralassia know about it? I could sniff 'round or somethin', though, by the time I git to it the scent'llve probly gone awful cold. *Sneeze*

Ah well. I'm gonna go back to bashin' undead in the head. Sure are a lot of 'em this time a year. Good luck in findin' that person what killed yah.

Besides, I gotta finish blowin' out my coat before da snow gets here...else I'll be cold somethin' fierce...

And Squire Kainen? What's an Eire?
Eire is also known as the deadlands. Though technically Eire is within the deadlands, but it is where those who mist travel usually end up, as it encompasses most of the bastions which hold the only working Earth circles capable of performing resurrections.

I would be happy to answer any further questions you may have in private, as I dislike public speaking.

Stay safe, I wish I had time to join you in bashing the undead. I recommend staying inside and near a fire when the damn snow comes.

Lanna and Yarrin, I understand you are angry. However, you no help zituation mit all zis talk. I have full faith Squire Sergeant Ignatius vill find perzon provided you vork mit amd not againzt him. It behoovez you to hold tonguez and vork mit proper autority in zolving zis. Temper your vordz, az Zevaria zay, more violenze might be rezult.

Yarrin, you wish to marry into our clan, you know I intend to hold you to our wayz az a rai that az a Rom or rai you are to respect ze lawz of whatever landz you in. Vile your muder might be related to ze death of board game death zey are alzo zeparate izzuez, in zat vone give no juztification or mitigation to ozer. And from zound of it your investigation ongoing and no chargez are brought at zis time, pleaze cooperate politely mit atorities zere.

I STRONGLY urge ze two of you to hold tonguez and let proper authoritiez handle each matter. Zey ar in charge of zuch tingz for reazonz, zey have expirienze in handling zuch matterz. Now, if you have izzue mit vat I zay or vish to dizcuzz matter contact me privately vile I zleep.

Mischief; da I inform Baron Rorrii and Dame Dalassia az zoon az I hear he in circle.

Ketsuji Utsuro Draken
I fear my vordz vere out ov anger. Pleaze do not take vat I zaid az a threat. Vat I ment by come faze to faze in ze deadlandz vaz turn 'im zlev into the althoritiez. I vaz planning on letting zem know. Pleaze don't zing I am dumb enough to take zingz into my own handz. I vould end up vere ziz perzon iz now. I do not vant zat. I let my anger take hold ov my vordz alot. I did not mean for it to be taken ze vay it vaz.
You do tend to let your toung go....... Sister, I sink you should let it go. Our Squires 'ave all zee information we can give zem, and zey vill take care of it. And az far az 'ome ever shows sere faces in zee 'ollow, alzo let it go...Jarrin is ALREADY up on charges, last sing 'e needs is more......

And next time??? TALK TO ME BEFORE YOU BLAB IN YOUR DREAMS!!!!!! Don't forget zat osers 'ave ear's too you know.....

I wish to make this clear, so attend closely. The one who perpetrated this act WILL be found. It is a sad fact that when an adventurer is murdered it is harder to investigate than when one of the common folk is killed because the adventuring class is more practiced at mendacity, but we are not without resources. We know exactly how the crime was committed, and all evidence points to a professional. This was a crime done for gain at the instigation of another party, and there is a very short list of those with the means and motive to pay for such a "service." While I will be happy to bring the person who performed the deed to trial, we are more specifically looking for the person who ordered the killing. We have these suspects under close observation already and they would be advised to come forward and confess if they are guilty of this crime. While I cannot offer clemency, an admission and apology might mean that after your trial and execution you might be able to regain some small shred of honor.

Anyone with any information to share on this matter should seek out myself, Squire Ignatious or Larkin and Connor Moorfang of the Fairdale Guard. All information will be kept confidential as to it's source.

First and Only,
-Sheriff Davin Holst
My information will be given if they don't turn themselves in Sheriff and you can tell them it was me, I don't mind. For my eyes see everything!!