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At the event this past weekend, we were discussing traps and trap usage, and I was told that there had been a ruling some time back that for gas/fire/explosive/acid type traps if someone sets a trap off "claymore style" (as in sets a trap with the trigger tied to a string 10ft long, stands back and pulls the trigger in order to detonate the trap when someone gets close enough to take it) then the person that triggered it also takes the effect as though they were inside the five foot radius. I knew that the rule was this way for weapon traps, since it doesn't have a radius it's just always the person who sets it off. Is this true, and if so, can you indicate where that is laid out as a rule? I couldn't find anything like that in the book or adendum. Also, a brief explaination or rational as to why this ruling was made would be greatly appreciated if it is in fact the case.

If I drop the request for explanation part of the posting can I get a plain ol' ruling on just whether or not there is a contradictory rule to what is in the rulebook or not? As in, the rulebook says only people within the 5' radius takes the blast of a non-weapon trap, so is there a special rule that says "and also anyone who trips the trigger even if they're outside that radius? Seems like that part of things should be fairly common knowledge amongst rules folks even if they don't know the background/origin of that rule which I assume was the hang up portion of my request. Thanks!
Okay, I know bumping is frowned upon, but I've gone over the last six months of posts in this category and the longest any other question has gone before being answered is one month. This has been up for over two months now, and several other questions have been adressed and answered over it. Considering it's a straightforward "what is the rule" question, I'm experiencing some frustration over not having it be adressed. Little love here?
One of our main people died a while ago and another of our main guys is in the hospital right now, and we're spending a lot of time working on the new rules before the Symposium, so that's kind of held us back. Sorry.
I do get that, Mike, and I do understand. If nothing were getting answered, I'd chalk it up to that, but half a dozen other questions have been adressed, and it seemed like a pretty straight-forward "what is the rule" question as opposed to "could this scenario be applied to this rule in this way" which would require a lot more discussion. It's feeling more like an "ugh, traps, not dealing with that" since traps are the dispised houseguest of the rules system :D.

Hope whoever it is in the hospital gets well soon!
For radius traps, once the trap has completed being set, the trap (when it goes off) will affect everyone who is within 5' or who has some equipment under their direct possession (e.g. packet-legal target) within 5' of the trap container. Note that this means that in the example above, the person triggering the traps would not take the effect if they (and all their equipment) are outside the 5' radius, unless they are holding the trap and trigger as direct possessions.

In other words, to marshal this situation, look at where people are and determine: if the trap container threw packets precisely 5' away in every direction, who would be affected? Use the normal packet- affecting possession rules to determine this.

-Bryan Gregory
ARC member
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