Treats for sale! Treats for free!

Greetings, adventurers! Perwin the Baker here with a special message for all hungry travelers. With my return practically moments away, I wanted to use this opportunity to advertise some delicious treats I will be selling.

Baklava: My signature dessert. This irresistible treat is loved by many, so buy it before it is gone. 4 silver pieces per serving.

Pita chips: A crispy treat I have been making here in Candyland. This is a baked flat bread cut into small pieces and seasoned. I have two different varieties. The first is brushed with olive oil, and then seasoned with my own special blend of salt and other seasonings. The second variety is brushed with butter, and given a generous sprinkle of sugar and cinnamon. Both types are absolutely delicious! A serving of your choice in flavor is 3 silver pieces.

I also wanted to let the same hungry travelers know that I will be bringing my own feast of treats to share--free of charge--with those dining in the tavern. There will be cookies, pies, and (can Shya see this?) fudge. I will be making so much that even Rasq would not be able to eat it all! Bring your friends and your sweet tooth for a delicious time.

For those who are not sure where to find me, just look for the human in the baker's cap. I will be staying with the Black Forest. See you soon!

Perwin Poppinfresh
Silver pieces, those are high prices, that is more money than most working field hands make in years. Maybe a discount for kids like me, I think I have some copper and a couple of bags of rice I can trade.

Tien Tien
My sister ling ling would love you! You could make a potential husband once she comes of age!

Tien Tien
Do not worry Shya, there will be plenty for everyone. I will take care of you, but you will need to take care of me as well. It has been a long time since I held a sword, and I fear I may not be at my best in battle.

Tien Tien, I am not looking for a wife, especially one so young, but children are always welcome in my bakery. Once I reopen it, of course.

I nearly forgot that I will have one other food for sale. Spinach pie! This may not sound very good, especially for children, but I assure you this is a specialty that has become a favorite of many a fey here. It has a very thin dough on top and bottom, similar to the baklava dough, and a mix of spinach, cheese, and rice in the middle. I will have a very limited amount for sale, mainly because I plan on eating it as well. A serving is 4 silver pieces.

Now I really must be getting back to work in the kitchen. There is so much to do!

Perwin Poppinfresh
You may be right, I almost forgot that she is already to be married to Ignationiousesesiouss!

Tien Tien