Be on the lookout for an individual known as Jalen Webb. We have confirmed that he is the new head of the crimson Key. A wanted poster will be up in Horns End for those who need a specific description. He also will be wearing signature brass knuckles as well as the Crimson Key's signature attire. He is considered manipulative and extremely dangerous approach with caution.
Also we have reason to believe that a gentleman going by the name of Conrad "The Dealer" Wheeler has detailed information on Jalen. Wheeler has been reported as being seen several times within horns end. He always carries a signature metallic case. The contents within are unknown so be careful.
Falco Talos Head of Tri-Point mercenary association
Also we have reason to believe that a gentleman going by the name of Conrad "The Dealer" Wheeler has detailed information on Jalen. Wheeler has been reported as being seen several times within horns end. He always carries a signature metallic case. The contents within are unknown so be careful.
Falco Talos Head of Tri-Point mercenary association