Trials of Law to be held, August 6th-8th


For those in need of the resolution of a legal matter,

I will be holding trials for those in need as part of the Kings desire to see fair and legal resolution of matters in all provinces under the sway of the kingdom. Any citizen may bring a grievence before the court for resolution, know that the proof and accusations are yours, or your local sherrifs and council, to provide and there is no judical assistance in the discovery, transportation, or verification of such items.

Cases must be presented on Friday night, I will make arraignments with the proprietor of the Falcons Roost, once an accusation is made, a defence is entered, either to admit the crime and accept a summary judgement or promise to offer proof of lawful considerations before sentancing, or to proclaim innocence, in which case the trial will be held at inspiration point shortly after dinner Saturday night.

Currently I see two cases on the docket concerning matters involving one Jivah Earnestwood, and one McGregor, anyone else may announce their case Friday to be considered Saturday night. Any effort on the part of the two listed people to flee will be assumed to be an admission of guilt and flight from justice.

To the King's Honor,
Lorathin Lysdahl, Magistrate of Gaden.
Is it public information to know what the above cases involve and what the charges are?

-Lok of Harbors Far
Such information will be made public on friday to give those with information a chance to come forward by saturday.

- Lorathin Lysdahl
With all due respect... a day hardly sounds like long enough of time before a trial to build a case either way. Also that hardly gives ones council time to gather evidence. I hope these trials are not to be concluded by nightfall saturday.

-Lok of Harbors Far
though a day is more time than we have ever gotten before, i would hope that we would be givin the same amount of time to come up with a defense after an accusation, but one day is quite a gift

-James the lawyer who can't get back in time of Harbors Far
I'm sure where ever Harbors Far comes from trials are joyous events spanning months so you can eat, argue, and generally have a good time arguing the finer points of things. Here in Gaden however we get to the truth of things quickly, with honor and efficentcy, and see no need to draw things out needlessly. If you mistwalkers refuse to go back where you belong, the least you should expect to do is follow our laws.

- Lorathin Lysdahl
Your Honor,

You kindly grace us with your guidance and clear perspectives.

One day is more than sufficient, it is also Just; as determined under the military laws of Gaden, there is no time for extended debate. Justice is expedient but fair.

As a Guardian of Hope’s Reach, I welcome you to the area as I would any representative of the Crown. As an inkeeper, I also welcome you and will provide for any needs you may have during your stay. No one is above the law of the crown, therefore, I give my word that I will be present for the proceedings.

One question I do have, should one wish to issue a grievance, are there any associated court fees for doing so?

Once again, we thank you for your time and look forward to your visit.


Proprietor of the Falcon’s Roost
Guardian of Hope’s Reach
There is no charge for leveling an accusation, just remember that doing so without cause might be considered perjury if the charge is deemed unreasonable.

- Lorathin Lysdahl
Lurin said:
I'm sure where ever Harbors Far comes from trials are joyous events spanning months so you can eat, argue, and generally have a good time arguing the finer points of things. Here in Gaden however we get to the truth of things quickly, with honor and efficentcy, and see no need to draw things out needlessly. If you mistwalkers refuse to go back where you belong, the least you should expect to do is follow our laws.

- Lorathin Lysdahl

Forgive the apprehension, but what my brother means is that if there is a person who plans to levy charges against another, that a day might not be enough time to gather proper information for the defense. for example, i assume my word would not be a good enough defense if there were to be a citizen that he had a contract with me and i owe him 5 gold for work done, and there would be 4 or 5 witnesses plus the accuser himself. I would have to dig up a couple people to say where i have been, people who are not my brothers because their word is just as good as mine. And if there was no such thing, i would actually have to come up with proof that said actions did not take place, and i would not be able to do such an investigation in a day.

Maybe we don't understand if there is a place to provide evidence for trials already done, but i can imagine only too many situations in which my word would be all i would have to defend myself even though i have made sure to do no wrong. being a mistwalker, too many people would like to see me gone, so we of harbors far cannot afford to break the laws. justice would be meted out to us harshly and swiftly. there is never any disrespect against you, m'lord, because you and the King are the power that keeps us from being hung by those who just don't like mistwalkers.

but there i go ranting again. What my brother asks is if an accusation is leveled against a person, do they have time to procure evidence before the penalty is collected?

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
Fair enough. I was just wondering. Thank you. \

-Lok of Harbors Far
Your Honor,

My self and the other of Harbors Far are still all adjusting to the laws and regulations within your land. We only ask because where we are from things were different. That is not to say that our ways were any more right then yours just that we still need a bit of time and understanding. It is a shame as I will be to wrapped up in my work to be there this market day. I would have very much liked to sit in on the proceedings and glimpse first hand how things are done so that I may continue to be a productive member of your lands.

I hope that having said this, perhaps everyone will better understand out situation. After all, we can only act on what we know, and if what we know is wrong here, then we apologist and will work to rectify and grievances...

-Arrin Fillrith
I can't imagine that this place, Harbors Far, has laws different than most other places. Do not kill, do not practice necromancy, do not practice mind enslavement, do not steal, grovel before your betters... it is the same as any land I have been to. What is so difficult about that?
I believe the discrepancy is not in the laws but in how the laws are upheld. My fellows were wondering simply if one could have more then one day to gather evidence, whether it be for defense or accusation. Now judging from the response the answer is a no, you only get one day, though I must admit I found the response to an only mildly confrontational question rather biting, but no matter. We do not wish trouble and will work within the system, we were just curious as to whether the stated deadline of Saturday night was absolute or simply convenient, and were only expressing why someone might wish more then one days time to gather evidence. No offense was meant, and thank you Lorathin Lysdahl for providing this opportunity and service to us folk of Hopes Reach.

-Thorador Boulderfist
One of the potential outcomes of any trial of judgement is a stay of decision until such a time as certain facts can be verified, however this is fairly uncommon as generally the weight of truth is evident on one side or the other. Justice delayed is justice denied and the vast majority of cases can be resolved very quickly by an experienced magistrate, generally those with authority and the weight of responsibility in an area will already be aware of any boiling issue and can help resolve things in an efficent manner. As to Jivah Earnestwood's arrest, it is my understanding that he has been in custody for nearly a year, more then enough time for any interested party to find those they need to argue their point.

- Lorathin Lysdahl
Lurin said:
One of the potential outcomes of any trial of judgement is a stay of decision until such a time as certain facts can be verified, however this is fairly uncommon as generally the weight of truth is evident on one side or the other. Justice delayed is justice denied and the vast majority of cases can be resolved very quickly by an experienced magistrate, generally those with authority and the weight of responsibility in an area will already be aware of any boiling issue and can help resolve things in an efficent manner. As to Jivah Earnestwood's arrest, it is my understanding that he has been in custody for nearly a year, more then enough time for any interested party to find those they need to argue their point.

- Lorathin Lysdahl

Thankyou sir for your patience.

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far