True Name Bandits


Public Relations Committee
** Liddia tries to remain calm during this dream but, it is apparent that she is distressed **
Hello Everyone,

I am now home and wanted to provide all of you what I have collected about the True Name Bandits. I will need all of your help going forward to prevent the Mystics from being enslaved even more. There are three of them, a human, a biata and a stone elf. The human was the first to learn of True Name Magic, he lost his friend a Mystic during a great battle. With the Mystic's last breath he told the human of true names and provided him his true name. Then the biata and the stone elf joined to research. The biata wants to become a griffin to free his people and the stone elf did not tell me of his motives.

The knowledge of their names must be quested for. To defeat them I will need all 10 syllables of their names plus a physical link to them.. They are so well versed in the magics and bound together as one as this Hannibal persona they have created that I will need this physical link for Arya to actually break their magics so I can defeat them. The rings they wear are what binds them together in the persona more than anything. I will need to to gather the rings.

Each of the bandits have hidden their names, woven protections from prying eyes that will have to be overcome.

Han is the Stone Elf

Ni is the Biata

Bal is the Human

Han has placed the other 9 syllables into Stoneelves, they are blocked behind mental ltraps of the most ingenious designs. Anyone who focuses on getting the name will be drawn into the trap and be able to solve it, but only someone with mind powers will be able to walk into the situation with an even playing field, perhaps even an upper hand. I have someone tracking the stone elves for me and I will know when they are in town. At the adventurer market that comes in March I think it is likely one of their number will be making a delivery to Hitch 42m per my contact's request. I am not telling anyone the name of the contact to protect them, as they have taken a great risk to get me this information.

Ni has placed his names into various sites of necromantic power or into undead. The first one is inside a truly unique flesh golem of balance. " Only in the balance of Necromancy and Earth can it be defeated. " I am not sure what this means specifically but, I trust that Eric will be able to see the truth in this golem. The golem is residing in the basement of a small abandoned farm house in Northshire. The land there is perfectly good but has had a series of failed crops.

Bal’s names are not hidden so much as they are tied to places that gave him power. He is unique in the trio as the others have learned and mastered true name magic, he simply is true name magic. It is part of him so completely at this point that there is no beginning or end. All due to accident or providence whichever word you prefer. There are three battlefields as I have been told. The battle of beginnings, the battle of heroism, the battle of vengeance. All three are in the Ternian Empire. The first battle field is on a crossroads from the spirit wood and the Empire. There is a waystone at this crossroads luckily for me. Three of his names are there. We need to simply survive long enough and they will be yours. The land will give me the memory but the land is scarred deeply from the actions of those days. Perhaps I may even say the land made Bal. A greater human, a master of true names. My contact calls him a "boy who lost his friend."

Please, let me know if you can help. I have no want for any rewards in this you can have all the treasure. I need this information to give to Arya.

Thank you,
Lady FallingStar
Lady FallingStar,
I will be back in the area soon as my travel should be ending soon. I will be at the gathering in March and with led my mental abilities where I can. I will let you know once I am back. However I would suggest delaying the next Stone elf visit till after to not arouse suspicion and I believe I may have other activities that will draw my attending away from that gathering.
~Captian Aramis
Captain Seablade,

I cannot delay as my people an entire race are being used and their freedom lost with each passing day. If you cannot aid me this time I understand, but, I will need all the help I can get.

Lady FallingStar

With what happened to Puck,what are the Fey as a whole decided if anything about the bandits? I am very concerned that they used the Fey in such a way.


Puck is no longer a fey. He sacrificed his mantle to stop the bandits from controlling him.
This is way the courts wish to stay out of the bandit's business.
They do not want one of the king or queens for being compromised.

If you have any other questions about fey business, contact me privately.

I know that there are those of you within this dreaming that do not trust me or that I may have wronged you in some way. I am working hard to rebuild that lost trust. That being stated I hope that you all here understand the, severity and seriousness of this matter and will trust me as we move forward to free the Mystics from Han, Ni and Bal. I would caution you against dealing with them directly until we can weaken them, as any effect will pass to another and deal them no harm. If you have any further questions please ask.

* Liddia is full of anger and rage*

The bandits have taken Mystics to a farm to breed them as a source of power. If this can be confirmed I will need help freeing them and dismantlung the bandits ASAP. No spirited being should be kept as breeding stock.

Lady FallingStar,
Do you know were the "Farm" is located. I am guessing the Northlunds. Also we need a way to safe guard the captive once they are freed. Other wise that Bandits will just use their True names to recall them and relocate. Our resent encounter the other day with Han got me to thinking. If I had tried to connect with enter El's mind would it have blocked out his call to her. If I am presented with a similar situation, time I will try. However if was have block out the call they have to the subject spirit it would give us an advantage. In the story i find about Menra and Illumina (the moon) he stole and portion of her name cause her to wax and wane but she was about to resisted and return to the sky despite his demand.

Any updates on zis? I went along and helped solve a puzzle and fight a few battles. I could hear zee world shouting zee syllables vhile I fought but couldn't get them on paper...I vas busy fighting...did anyone write them down?

I have it written.
Care to share vith zee rest of the class?...did you cross reference it vith the others zat were note taking?

* sigh*

Yes, I did cross refrence. And as anyone can be enslaved I am taking precautions to not share. If Elle is comfortable with me sharing, I shall. But, keep in mind her protection in not permanent.


I would also remind you of the conversation we had on this topic when I was walking her path. What you stated is not easily forgotten. If you wish to help, I will gladly take your assistance.
I thought the entire idea of the dream vault was to minimize the instances of mass enslavement hysteria. Most information is not so enormously sensitive that we should make the requirement to share drink of expensive alchemy with every sit down.

Lady Fallingstar,

I'd rather not know myself, in case... and as I have no business knowing being mostly a fighter in zis, but some people, especially those with mental training or those more interested in being records keeperz should be told, at least in part.

Enan is right, and If history has taught us anything it iz zat keeping information secured with 1 person can be disastrous...I can point to zee failures vhich dot the history of this young nation as proof if needed. Conversely, too many people knowing information has almost never been zee cause for failure...I therefore suggest, we spread this information with several adventurers so zhey can resolve this threat if others become compromised.

Someday, ve as a group will learn not to kick zee basked we've laid all our eggs into...until zat time...I suggest multiple baskets.

As for my help, I have promised Elle my aid as long as she sees fit to allow it and retains even nominal leadership of zhis task. In doing this, she stands to gain nothing, and lose everything...I vill not lay down arms in that case.

If you remain confused or vish to converse more in depth about this, wether in public, or in private, you need only ask.

Jehan T Wyldweaver
Hello All,
For a variety of reasons last market day we miss an opportunity to get more syllables of the true name bandits. As Ladies FallingStar has mentioned she will not be in attendance and has been taking the lead, I have offered to take the lead for this upcoming market. However if someone else would be better to lead us on this task i will yield to them. I would like to just make sure we don't miss an opportunity this upcoming market to pick up where we left off.
~Aramis Seablade
Wild Rose and Link are already far more up to date on this issue, for reasons known to a number of people this desperately needs to be resolved this next gathering.

-Enan Bluewater
I am willing to follow and offer aid aslong as this get done.
I will provide Elle my complete notes to make sure all syllables are correct and that this issue can be resolved. The protection on all Mystics last till October.

The group will need to go to the Northlunds and get the syllables from the Stone Elves. The Stone Elf bandit is an apprentice to one of the nine within the Tower of the Nine.

From there, you will have to get to the scar in the Spirit Wood. There a group must fight, re-live two battles between the Ternian Empire and the Emerald Empire aka The Leaf Crown. After those battles you will have to physically incapacitate each bandit.

Once that is done one person will have to repeate their true names and remove the rings that link them as Hannibal.

Than, they will have to be defeated a another time.

There are warrents for their arrest in both the Leaf Crown and Wayside. They will then need to be turned into the magistrates to face justice.


I will say this once, and I urge you to understand that I have no confusion in this manner, the protection will fail before the last day of September. This must be finished by then.


I'll see if I can find a way to buy you folks more time.

Long shot.
