Trying to recall information from the gathering


Nigel, Mary, Banradi & Company-

We discussed a great many things during the last gathering. If you could take a moment to send me a private message with the highlights of what you learned I would appreciate it. I will in turn share with you all that I know of those issues. I believe that your discovery regarding the purchase of lands may prove to be extremely important.

Order of the Emerald Flame
I'm going to have to decline your offer, Mathis. Instead, I'm going to have to insist that you come to Hearth-Home and share a meal with my crew and I. We can discuss this all face to face over a drink.

Send me a falcon so we can set up a day.

Nigel Allgood
I would love to sit down and enjoy that meal with you if you would allow as well Nigel and Mathis. I need to get up to speed on certain things and also share whatever information I may have as well.
Hello Mathis!

I am quite busy studying with Waymaker right now, but as soon as I have some time to spare, I will happily write to you regarding the last market day's events! I expect that I should be more free in about a week or two. Until then, I wish you the best of health!

Most Sincerely,

It seems my infrequent trips to the dream realm have caused me to miss you message. I am happy to sit and share information over a meal. Contact me outside this place and we will find time to meet.

Order of the Emerald Flame