TS B2B Favorite moments


Two days of running around, with some nice hanging out in between. Let's hear those favorite moments!
So, yesterday, I was shirtless for a bit after my rez at the game.

Evidently, I heard that this was much appreciated amongst parts of the NPC core.


I am feeling sexy and flattered. *flex*
Spell fails!

While being held captive by a Dreamless Vor.

Morgana: I command you to sleep!
Tyler: ack ah no! -die.... wait no, you're touch casting. Reject!

And nailing golem Tzero right in the chest with a shatter only to be heckled with, "You're going to have to do better than that, vampire lover"

Finally, Todd looked great in the pretty princess circlet. :)
My favorite moment was when Tyler threw down the COP and I realized I was inside it. I then danced with a tree tapping him.

Admittedly, the getting dropped in the COP wasn't part of the plan.
After I interrupted one of Tzero's attempts to killing blow someone, he said something along the lines of "Go away, Shay, I don't have time to deal with you small fry." I was all prepared to bluster but he kind of proved his point about small fry when he proceeded to drop me with one spell. Ah, what could have been.

My favorite moment, though, was at the end, seeing that while we hadn't been able to accomplish everything we wanted, by damn we all got out alive.
Tseddon said:
My favorite moment was when Tyler threw down the COP and I realized I was inside it. I then danced with a tree tapping him.

Admittedly, the getting dropped in the COP wasn't part of the plan.
I had wondered how that situation occurred. I thought you almost had him too!
It was a nearer thing than that poor dead Dreamless would like to admit.
Not killing naiads.

Capturing Jareth, and turning him to our cause at least information-wise with nothing more than my sunny disposition and withholding the thing he wanted most until he caved.


And last, but not least...