[Twinspire] Peasants Accuse Army of Massacre


Two neighboring families of farmers have come to the Magistrates of Twinspire Vale, asking that a squad of Allied Trevaelian Army soldiers be charged with murder and destruction of property.

According to Barlow Husk and Jirina Row, the heads of the two families, the soldiers came to the Husk family farm begging for food, saying that Fathomfall stole their rations in the night. When they were admitted into the farmhouse, say the two, the soldiers drew arms and slaughtered the entire family.

Jirina Row adds that the soldiers then set fire to the Husk farm and charged across the way to her own property. The blaze alerted her that there was trouble and left her time to bar her doors, but in the end, she claims the same happened to her own family and farm as did the Husks.

The two farms did burn down, and the Apothecaries' Guild confirms that the Husks and Rows did indeed resurrect at the Battlegrounds Earth Circle last night. However, the accused soldiers say they have no memory of these deeds and have never seen the Husks or Rows before in their lives; every one of them has offered to allow a biata or stone elf to search their minds to verify their claims.

On orders from Captain Sir Jierden Fenstermacher, the soldiers are being kept in the ATA lock-up until someone from Griffin's Roost is located who is willing to examine the men.