Um...anyone need somethings maybe..or have an spot to sleep?


Um...I think maybe I'll be in the area here...where ever here is I guess for a little while, because I'm not sure where the mist is and I think maybe I might stick around a little bit anyway if that's okay...

So I could use a place to stay maybe and if anyone needs something maybe I could make it? I can make most things but I don't have any workshops maybe I can't make as much usually but here are the things I make, I also have a little bit of stock too that could help, so if you want something maybe let me know and I'll let you know how much it costs. Someplaces can make stuff a lot cheaper than I can and that's okay too I guess.

Potion making - I can make anything you want, I can make a purify even without a workshop.

Alchemy - I can make anything you want, and if someone has a workshop I can use, I can coat bolts or arrows for you. I can make anything you want even without a workshop.

Blacksmithing - I've been working really hard to get better at this, because it's really hard to make the big suits of armor, without my workshop I don't think I can make heavy stuff, but I can make ya any weapon, or strengthen something or silver it and stuff.

Scroll making - I'm not as practiced at this, I just get distracted with other crafts cause people want stuff, but I can make scrolls up to spell shields, although I only have some in my book, right now I can make Lights, or Disarms, or Magic Armors, or Repels, or Flame bolts, Or walls of you can't come in here, or spell shields.

So um, let me know I guess if you want something, I'll let people know if I'm gonna be really busy making stuff and will have to charge more for things as it happens.

Occasionally Wandering Rabbitkin
Re: Um...anyone need somethings maybe..or have an spot to sl

Well I'm about ready to head out, anyone at all need anything? Maybe have a workshop yer not using?

Re: Um...anyone need somethings maybe..or have an spot to sl


I am a novice in alchemical studies. I have not much to offer. If you would share your knowldge and allow me to scribe them I would give you what I can.
Seek me out.

Re: Um...anyone need somethings maybe..or have an spot to sl


I suspect your services will be most popular. Purifies and healing potions will be in great demand and I for one may well be in the market for several. I'll try to find you as soon as possible.

Re: Um...anyone need somethings maybe..or have an spot to sl

I already sent you a message, great friend, just respond when you have the spare time. No rush, great friend
Re: Um...anyone need somethings maybe..or have an spot to sl

I... um... I seem to have stumbled into the mists yet again, really not sure where I am right now. Anyone care to enlighten me? I'll probably be in the area for at least the next few weeks, until I figure out how to get home again. Oh how I Iove the way the mist drops you places and then just vanishes. *rolls eyes*

Anyway, if I could beg a safe spot to sleep I'd be very grateful. Sadly I don't have the skills Jehyu has, I just hit things with sharp things.

- Kiba Shanshi
Re: Um...anyone need somethings maybe..or have an spot to sl

Kiba, I am Kabuk of the Scorpion. I strongly recommend you find sanctuary before the dead walk. If you are new to these lands, we suffer a blight of undead every night when the bell tolls midnight. Please, be inside by then. If you cannot find sanctuary, then find a place to hide.
Re: Um...anyone need somethings maybe..or have an spot to sl


I don't believe we've met, but if you know where the pointy end goes you are welcome to walk with me. Two warriors are better than one, especially when the dead walk.

-Kamryn nic Fallon
Re: Um...anyone need somethings maybe..or have an spot to sl


Heed ze varnings. Be inzide before midnight. Zingz 'ere are much different zen ze landz you come from. It vill be good to zee you again. Only ziz time our memoriez wont be effected. I 'ope...

Lanna Rose
Re: Um...anyone need somethings maybe..or have an spot to sl

See there Kiba? You got 2 friends already that followed you, I think that's a heck of a lot more important than knowing how to mix a couple of things together to make a potion.....
