Unexpected Departure

Sae Azaka

I would like to apologize to everyone of my quick departure I made at night. I'm aware that some items got left behind, that doesn't bother me, please put them to good use. I had to leave for Silver Leaf Crown. I was startled out of my sleep by a vision of my family and i had to be sure it wasn't coming to pass. Safely to say everyone is well, if I made anyone upset again I apologize. Also if anyone needs potions or services that i can assist with let me know and I will try to accommodate you if it all possible.
One more thing, I'm also looking for someone to cast an arcane suit on me or an item (10 pt suit) for a duration of one year. If you can help me out with this i would be grateful. Send me a bird and we can share our thoughts over a cup of elven wine.

Live Free and Happy Forever Adventurers,
Sae Azaka
Earth Healer and Potion Maker