Unpleasent rumors

What? i am also curious as to what has happened, I have been away for too long. will someone please be so kind as to fill the dark elf and i in on the local news?

Couldn't ve all just leht zhe Love Potion incident go? Zhere vas only von potion, vhich I gave to zhe stone elf, Harlequin. It vas t'vord zhe end of zhe lehst market day, and vas just for some silly fun; I hed no malicious intent in giving it to him. No von died, zhe effects hev long since vorn off, and Harlequin himself has said, "I harbor no ill feelings for the jest." Leht's leave it at zhat, please. It von't heppen again.

As for Gandian, vhat exactly he vas trying to accomplish, and vhat precisely he was bitten by is a mystery to me ("Forsaken"? Vhat are zhey?). He believes it to hev been for a good cause, from vhat I can tell, but vhat zhat cause is, I'm not sure. Zhere is vorrying zhat he may turn into a vampire, but he doesn't zhink he is or vill (vhich I might agree viht), and zhere is little more I know about zhat issue. I suppose ve vill see zhe outcome of zhat situation eventually...

~ Talitha
A love potion in jest... haha ah haha ha... ha oh man that does sound like quite the party. All you needed next were some branding irons and blindfolds. Talk about strangers in the dark...
using a love potion in jest reminds me why we say what happens in Harbors Far stays in Harbors Far
Regarding Gandian,

he kill wolfy-man, gorka help, and get flower from body than was all "walk with giants" so we go and *boom* lightning thunder, and then big guy monologue wants barbarians, Kendra not like sky magic and big guy may be first guy, then hes all like "submit" and he bite Gandian's neck then Gandian get all shaky, we say good-bye and run, Gandian stay with big guy, we all get back and Gorka sad even though Gandian a jerky turkey Gorka should have saved him and make better, then Gandian get back and everyone is like "how you get away", Gorka try to heal bite wounds, then they try to test him but then decide to lock him in tavern kitchen with wizard lock, after Gorka go sleepy, Then Gorka wake and not sure about Gandian staying in small kitchen So Gorka take him away where he not get murdered and where he can reflect, Wound not heal over right, And now Gorka is taking Gandian to Wayside cus lots of people know stuff, when we get back Gandian go hidden and locked again Gorka Take care then Market Day Gather and Decide.

- Gorka
Hmm.....This is very troubling indeed. Just as I suspected, we will see what we can find out in Wayside but for now I will have to continue my guard and watch him closely.
If it comes to......well....one step at a time.

Thank you for your statement, I will see to it with the best of my ability that no harm come to anyone from this.

I don't think I want to even touch on the love potion. Lets just not have that happen again, and as an alchemist I can assure you.....It's not safe.

- D'rezz Zandrick