Update on the Town


Wisconsin Staff
Hi everyone, after compiling everything that has been placed in storage previously and what has been gathered recently, this is what we currently have.

Current Town Supplies:
Food: 511 - By end of month likely to be down to 390-400 left
Construction Materials: 62
Building Materials: 35
Cloth: 10
Thatch: 12
Seed: 15
Good Soil: 10
Leather: 3
Ore: 1
Timber: 10

Current Buildings:
Communal living quarters x2
Barn (Shen's)
House x3 (currently getting built by Merchant Lord Edward Terrynap)
Food Storage
Material Storage

Labor Force: 98 Labors

In addition to cataloging everything, I have gone over the book provided by Bastion regarding construction and what is needed for it. I have done a few changes to better fit with my many years of experience. In addition to the changes that are currently in the book, I have some ideas on ways we can improve buildings in the future. I will try and add those into the construction book over the winter months.

Foreman Oliver
The information in this book does continue to get updated. As I get the time to work out future blueprints I will continue to add buildings to this.

- Lord Oliver