Updated list of potion ingredients


Edited to reflect ingredients already purchased

From the dream desk of Benjamin Bookworm:

So, since I have been experimenting more and more in the labs, I have found the need for unique potion and alchemy reagents rising. I am currently going to keep this list updated on the current needs of my lab, if it is possible for others to get them.

I am also including a bounty that I will pay for each ingredient. This amount will be doubled if payment is taken in potion or alchemy that I make rather than coin. (Note that this will be from the market cost of said item, as per standard pricing practices)

Current needs

-Moon Glow melody flowers
Will pay 15 copper per flower.
** These only bloom a few times a year, so I am looking to see if anyone picked any last month.

-No longer needed.

-No longer needed.


Thank you for listening, and feel free to send me any questions.

-Benjamin Bookworm
Last edited:
Good evening Benjamin,

I would like to help you recover the tomb dust. Do you know the locations of any tombs or catacombs or graveyards where this may be acquired? I would readily accept payment in potions and healing elixirs, as any coin I earn would be spent toward those anyway. Is this for the same anti-necromancy potion that we spoke of before or is it for a different one?

-Innoxius the Healer
It is the same potion that I had spoken of earlier, though I have not yet found any place that would be appropriate, and have not yet had time to look into this myself.

-Benjamin Bookworm