Starting a new thread. The plot thread has a lot going on, and this is more of a chapter issue.
Chapters need goblin stamps to encourage players to help out the chapter. There are not a lot of people donating weapons and props out of the goodness of their heart. Heck, there aren't a lot of people donating them for goblins. I don't believe the rulebook gives any guidelines for the uses of goblin stamps, everything is up to the discretion of the owner. Currently these are the uses for goblin stamps that I can think of: 30 free production, paying for your personal production, monthly goblin blanket, getting the build for a missed event, buying back deaths and buying magic items. The sticking point for people seems to be the last 2. I am going to quote Wes to start this thread but his was not the only voice speaking out. It was just the easiest quote to cover both issues.
Buying back deaths, as Joe West said, is an Alliance-wide issue. Players are split, check the General Discussion board for the poll. Locally forbidding it would not prevent our player base from doing it, if they wanted to. Your 'home chapter' is simply the database that your character card resides in. If Idris dies a few times and I want to buy them back, but Somi forbids it. I just need to ask Chicago logistics to store my character. Then I send them some cash via PayPal to get gobbies and presto, I'm immortal. I never need to play in Chicago to do this. So the end result is Somi is out some cash. I would support an Alliance-wide change to the death buy-back policy, but not a Somi-only protest.
Wes mentioned installing a plot effect to make buying back deaths more in-game and enjoyable. Enjoyable for whom? The one who dies or the Plot/PC that killed them? Either way you are talking about more personal plot, an idea that has already been suggested as something to limit. Honestly I don't see how Idris buying back deaths affects Sloane's enjoyment of the game. Unless Sloane's enjoyment is perming Idris. Even then bag draws are secret, so Sloane couldn't think anything was wonky IG until the 12th death.
I agree with the dislike of death buy-backs, but I don't see it as something to spend my time worrying about until it comes up as an Alliance vote. On to magic items.
I have bought magic items with goblins, and I will most likely do it again once I am off plot. I know I am not the only one who has done this, including a few of the more vocal members of it's opposition. Buying magic items is a great reward for player's time and energy spent helping the chapter. Somi needs those volunteers, whether they are plot, NPCs, site clean-up, weapons donation or whatever. Without buying magic items, there is no 'big ticket' way to spend goblins.
If a player donates 1000 packets, they are going to get their monthly blanket for almost 3 years. Where is the incentive to donate more? We already have a fickle supply of NPC's, if you take away the IG reward for doing so, we'll have less. We need donations of polearms, costuming and packets but we can't expect players to do so without some form of compensation. As for the IG explanation as to why a PC has this new item, things happen in the mists all the time. People travel, find items, create items in other chapters and travel back. While the proliferation of magic items does change the game dynamic from what is was 10 years ago, I don't agree that it 'breaks the game'.
If you would like to remove the buying of MI's please suggest some alternative uses for goblin stamps, that don't involve more build. Somi needs those donations, and more of them.
I understand that a group of our players want a more hardcore game. This is a plot issue, and plot is listening. Some chapter policies are there for a reason. To help provide plot the resources to make the game more hardcore.
Thank you for your time.
Chapters need goblin stamps to encourage players to help out the chapter. There are not a lot of people donating weapons and props out of the goodness of their heart. Heck, there aren't a lot of people donating them for goblins. I don't believe the rulebook gives any guidelines for the uses of goblin stamps, everything is up to the discretion of the owner. Currently these are the uses for goblin stamps that I can think of: 30 free production, paying for your personal production, monthly goblin blanket, getting the build for a missed event, buying back deaths and buying magic items. The sticking point for people seems to be the last 2. I am going to quote Wes to start this thread but his was not the only voice speaking out. It was just the easiest quote to cover both issues.
Wes said:The rulebook lays the guidelines for it, you can only buy back deaths in your "home" chapter, and there's technically no limit to how many you can buy back (other than gob restrictions). That being said, I see no reason why we can't simply deny players the service, or at the very least make the experience more enjoyable by incorporating some sort of plot based, in game mechanic so that it's not a "poof" and you can die again scenario. While we're on the subject of gobs, I think it's also a good idea to consider doing a similar system for buying magic items which will firstly decrease escalation and secondly make for a much better story than "Oh by the way, between market days I just so happened to find this ridiculously powerful item lying around." And if such a thing does happen, whoever used to own that item is probably looking for it, and should probably come to town to try and get it back. Not to mention the rulebook says nothing about being able to use gobs for magic items.
Buying back deaths, as Joe West said, is an Alliance-wide issue. Players are split, check the General Discussion board for the poll. Locally forbidding it would not prevent our player base from doing it, if they wanted to. Your 'home chapter' is simply the database that your character card resides in. If Idris dies a few times and I want to buy them back, but Somi forbids it. I just need to ask Chicago logistics to store my character. Then I send them some cash via PayPal to get gobbies and presto, I'm immortal. I never need to play in Chicago to do this. So the end result is Somi is out some cash. I would support an Alliance-wide change to the death buy-back policy, but not a Somi-only protest.
Wes mentioned installing a plot effect to make buying back deaths more in-game and enjoyable. Enjoyable for whom? The one who dies or the Plot/PC that killed them? Either way you are talking about more personal plot, an idea that has already been suggested as something to limit. Honestly I don't see how Idris buying back deaths affects Sloane's enjoyment of the game. Unless Sloane's enjoyment is perming Idris. Even then bag draws are secret, so Sloane couldn't think anything was wonky IG until the 12th death.
I agree with the dislike of death buy-backs, but I don't see it as something to spend my time worrying about until it comes up as an Alliance vote. On to magic items.
I have bought magic items with goblins, and I will most likely do it again once I am off plot. I know I am not the only one who has done this, including a few of the more vocal members of it's opposition. Buying magic items is a great reward for player's time and energy spent helping the chapter. Somi needs those volunteers, whether they are plot, NPCs, site clean-up, weapons donation or whatever. Without buying magic items, there is no 'big ticket' way to spend goblins.
If a player donates 1000 packets, they are going to get their monthly blanket for almost 3 years. Where is the incentive to donate more? We already have a fickle supply of NPC's, if you take away the IG reward for doing so, we'll have less. We need donations of polearms, costuming and packets but we can't expect players to do so without some form of compensation. As for the IG explanation as to why a PC has this new item, things happen in the mists all the time. People travel, find items, create items in other chapters and travel back. While the proliferation of magic items does change the game dynamic from what is was 10 years ago, I don't agree that it 'breaks the game'.
If you would like to remove the buying of MI's please suggest some alternative uses for goblin stamps, that don't involve more build. Somi needs those donations, and more of them.
I understand that a group of our players want a more hardcore game. This is a plot issue, and plot is listening. Some chapter policies are there for a reason. To help provide plot the resources to make the game more hardcore.
Thank you for your time.