Using the Gallery


When you get a chance LE let me know how to do the album setup. I have some photos that are ready to go on. ane in a few days I will have the photos from this event. I have a good negative scanner for very detailed scans. It produces good results. I have a photo of the Bunny that I know some want to see. Also I will have video soon that I can put on of the battle in the cave. the first video to go on this website as far as I know.

Get back to me as soon as you can.

Rossic :cool:
Okay, I think this is how I did it.

--Go to the gallery, click "Login" (it's in the upper left corner).

--Use your message board name and password

--After that, you will return to the main page of the album. Click "upload".

I hope that works!

On my computer, a have a few pictures of an older event, Feb of 2003 I believe. There isn't much, but there is a picture of me dressed up as a pimp, selling Amy L. to an oddly clean shaven Andrey.

Wondering if I should bother putting any of them up, or if it's too old for anyone to care.
Hey, Samara? Speaking of posting stuff, when will the pictures of this event be ready?

Meh. No hurry or anything.

I tried

L.E. I tried to upload.

It took about a minute and then said that there was a server error, and to contact the site administrator. Maybe the fact that I'm using a 56K connection, might be causing the page to timeout and the upload to fail. I might try to use the DSL at school or maybe Raygrens house if he'll let me.

Do you have any suggestion? Thank you.

Rossic said:
L.E. I tried to upload.

It took about a minute and then said that there was a server error, and to contact the site administrator. Maybe the fact that I'm using a 56K connection, might be causing the page to timeout and the upload to fail. I might try to use the DSL at school or maybe Raygrens house if he'll let me.

Do you have any suggestion? Thank you.


If they are less then 2 MB total, send them here, I'll upload them, or try to. But I have limited E-mail space so :o
No Go

I sent the files to Raygren he tried using My User name and password and got a similar result.

This is the Message:

ERROR: Line 4521

Error uploading photo: Will not upload! Could not validate Userid: Rossic

Because he has DSL It is not my connection speed.

I don't Know what the problem is. Any Ideas?

Rossic :confused:
That's very strange. I haven't experienced anything like that before. What format are the photos in? .jpeg?
If I can find out how to do it then you can send them to my email and mabey I could try it in some sort of wierd way...???? Just tell me how and send them to ...

Send them to Hayley (L.e.) because I have no Idea how to do it....

Going Up

Thanks to LE the Photos are starting to go up.

Syndel the Bunny is up now with more to come.

My June event ones will be ready in a week or two.

Thanks again to LE

Rossic :cool:
now I have to wait for my computer to load the pictures...but anyways YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! gotta love em.
