Valdanis again this weekend



It was a great honor to fight with you in old Valdanis last weekend. We did quite the job however, there are still miles and miles of the land untouched. This weekend I plan to continue our work, and push deeper. I hope I can count on everyone who lent me their blade before. For those of you that didn't make it last time, I hope that you will lend your blades to this cause. We'll only be able to do this together.

Order of the Emerald Flame
First ovv, If I am swinging my blade ve are doing it wrong. Vut I vill lend my healing. Vou sound vary noble, zo I must ask are vou noble or a noble. There iz a big difference. Alzo do vou enjoy a fine vine?

May the Light guide you and the Shadows guard your path,
Kitaruen Kopanari

No. I'm not. Things are bad here in Arden for a lot of people, more land and a less chaotic taint is good for everyone. That doesn't make me noble. Just an elf who's trying to do the right thing.

The healing will be much welcomed.

I'm not much of a drinker. But, that's simply because I don't spend much time around people these days.

Order of the Emerald Flame
I can vork vith that, it iz vell meet. Just call me Kit.
