Vampire: the Requiem chat game

James Trotta

Diversity Committee
I recently joined a Vampire: the Requiem game. Typically, this is a tabletop or LARP game but I recently learned you can also do it via chat. Tabletop rules but some of the benefits of LARP - you act out what your character would do (giving descriptions while sitting at your computer but at least you actually type what your character says).

It's not as great as LARPing but you can do it every night or whenever you feel like it. Also, vampire can be great fun when there's social pvp going on. That seems to be the case in this game. Conflicts are settled with tabletop rules as the chat has an automatic dice roller thing. I've never been involved in a challenge though - mostly roleplaying. Anyhow, the game is I can help you get started if you're interested and not sure what to do next.
Just a little bump / update - I've joined the werewolf game on the same site (with a different ST). That's been a lot of fun as well as my friends and I are currently stuck in a trap in the spirit world and have to figure out how to save ourselves. I wouldn't choose these games instead of real life games, but they can be a good addition if any of you want more gaming than you can get IRL.
I used to do this all the 1994 on AOL!

What comes around goes around?

Where'd I leave my VHS rewinder?

From what I remember, we used to -all- do this . What was it scott, Tuesday nights on AOL? And then Lee built the MUD system that let you run around the Ash forest....

I miss those.

i will get right on that. riiiight after i finish installing my new copy of windows 95, playing my super Nintendo entertainment system, and watching the OJ trial
Robb Graves said:
i will get right on that. riiiight after i finish installing my new copy of windows 95, playing my super Nintendo entertainment system, and watching the OJ trial

I don't want to spoil it for you but....he did it.
zehnyu said:
Then build a better one :thumbsup:
My brother and I wanted to make a "next gen" MUD with dynamic/realistic movement, ranged combat, and languages. I'd still be interested in contributing to something like that.

I've never done a MUD but it sounds like it might be similar. And there's nothing next-gen about this. The most hi-tech thing we have is an online dice roller. It's very simple in terms of interface but with 20 or so active vampire PCs and then a good number of very well done NPCs the plotting against your enemies can get complicated.