Vengeance and Dual School Formals

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Chief Publicity and Digital Content Officer
New Hampshire Staff

The number of charges and the damage of the Vengeance ritual state are listed by the scroll as determined by the number of ritual levels possessed by the caster.

Let us say for sake of discussion that the caster of this ritual has 20 levels of Earth Formals and 10 levels of Celestial formals. Does this caster get treated as though they have 30 levels of ritual magic? OR does the ritual being cast only look for the relevant schools?

And before anyone asks: Yes thisis a valid non gnomey question that is relevant to my PCs current situation.

May I tack on, no fair just saying "Vengeance is a Celestial only rit, so it only counts Celestial levels." Please answer in such a way that we don't have to ask in a whole new series of threads for things like Whispering Wind, that count ritual levels but whose school is General.
~Matt, WCV
Any ritual that gives results based on "the number of levels of Formal Magic possessed by the caster" (Vengeance, Whispering Wind, etc.) will count *only* the levels of formal magic in the school which corresponds to the school of the ritual being cast. Thus, a Whispering Wind cast in an Earth circle will count only the Earth formal levels of the caster.

-Bryan Gregory
ARC member
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