Very Important! Please Read! Site Cleanup Issues!


As most of you know, the Faire Play site is not just used by our game. In order to make enough money to pay the bills, we have to rent the site to other groups. Well, we had another rental group at the site this past weekend and they were *horrified* by the condition the camp was in when they arrived. Among a large list of things, they found:

* Bars of soap, shampoo containers, and trash all over the shower room
* Four (FOUR!) wet towels hanging in the shower room that were reeeking from mildew
* A PILE of underwear, including a bra and other garmets, on the bathroom counter.... again stinking of mildew
* A backpack of stuff, including more wet clothing and even tags
* Make-up all over the sink area
* Costume items (some obviously expensive, like a well-crafted leather jerkin) left laying around
* Old juice left in two of the tavern containers
* Etc, etc., etc.

Needless to say, we were EMBARRASSED about the condition of the site following the last HQ event. If HQ was renting a campsite and had arrived to find this level of uncleanliness, we probably wouldn't have rented that site again.

So what do we do? I have played other games where you have to sign-up for clean-up duty and complete specific tasks before you can turn in your Life tag. Is that what we have to resort to? I hope not.

This site was built BY Alliance players FOR Alliance players. It is not Scott's or Mike's or Eric's site. It is everyone's site. The grand idea was to have a permanent home for our game. It is not a money-making venture. I repeat, no one from Faire Play is getting paid for the grand honor of owning the site. Instead, the Faire Play staff sinks endless hours into maintaining and improving the site FOR OUR GAME.

Yes, in most cases there are Faire Play staff members around to make sure things get done (usually Scott and Dee). But there are times when we can't do everything or check everywhere to make sure that the trash is emptied or that the shower room is cleaned. We need help. We need for the players to show some responsibility.

We all want a great site. But if there are those who do not want to extend even the most basic courtesy of picking up after themselves, then it's just not worth all the hassle.

I'm going to ask you all to consider this post and please make an effort to help us keep the site cleaner. I am also looking for players who are willing to volunteer to help monitor the site at the end of events (gobbies to be awarded). If we have another event like this, the Faire Play staff is considering locking up the kitchen and shower room on Sunday mornings after breakfast is cleaned up.

If you have any questions or want more clarification about this, please feel free to send me a PM or e-mail ( We are all adults, so there doesn't need to be a long, drawn-out discussion here on the boards. Let's just simply clean up after ourselves.

Thank you.

--- Eric Stehle

P.S. Some of the items left at the site that are listed above have names on them. I do not want to post names on the boards, so if you want the item(s) back, please contact me.
Allow me to add something:

I have the unpleasant job of taking the recycling to the recycling center after the event.

The reason it's so unpleasant? Because some people are just not paying attention, really.

The recycling bins are clearly marked, but there's always some other trash in there that I have to dig through. And then people toss in bottles that still have liquid in them, which invariably break and splash all over everything, or else require me to empty them first before recycling them.

Please be considerate! Please make sure everything in the labeled recycling cans are indeed recyclable, and that there is no liquid left inside.

I would really really appreciate it.
You should have a clean up crew. Everything you said here is common sense.I guess people are just tired after an event, i know i am. Bobby and I are almost always the last to leave for the events and usually help clean. So if you want we would volunteer to make sure that the shower room, tavern, common room, private rooms and cabins are cleaned out. For Goblin stamps or something...just an idea

Aubry said:
You should have a clean up crew. Everything you said here is common sense.I guess people are just tired after an event, i know i am. Bobby and I are almost always the last to leave for the events and usually help clean. So if you want we would volunteer to make sure that the shower room, tavern, common room, private rooms and cabins are cleaned out. For Goblin stamps or something...just an idea


We've done this in SoMN with great success (granted we generally only have 3 large cabins) Taking volunteers to be the 'cabin captain', although we check out of the site we rent so theres not much option to leave things behind. We also have a few volunteers sweep the campground for packets, errant tags, etc.