Viiiiiictooooor vvvvvvvoooooonnn Gryyyyyyyyphon


We havvvve grown, our new hiiiive has spread to the vvvvvallley for many good fights to grow strong.

We are not the old hivvvve and we challenge for dominance, not in battlez, but in building yezzz?

We compete in 17 dayz yezzz? Send your best younglingz, I will tellz them what needs gathering, dangerous gatherings, deep caves and strong creatures....yezz?

You gather more we recognizzzzze your dominance, we gather more we are dominant and will take this valley yezz? Furry people will recognizzzzze our dominance or move then yezz? If you are dominant we fight your foes yezz? Many good battles to grow strong for our hive yezzz?

Or you may submit Viiiiictor Vvvvooon Gryyyyyphon then our hive will be strongest.....

I am Vvvvvvzzzzzzyyyyyynnzzzzzxxxxt,

you may callz me hard shell yezz?

- "Hard Shell"
Vrizit Hive Leader
Hard Shell,

I am Lord Asher Oakheart, who oversees the town of Horizon within the Valley of Solace. What are the details of your challenge? While I can not wager the entire area of The Valley in a challenge, perhaps there is another arrangement we can come to an understanding in the next few days; unless you refer only to your current settled grove?

Where is it you would like to meet in the coming days? I'm certain I can bring adventurers both new and old for a friendly challenge.

- Lord Asher Oakheart
Dominance is not for land but for battelzzz. Viiiicttooor Desirez no battlez yesssz? For this his hive must prove dominant.

I will meet you in valley yezz? Will tell you what to gather. If my hive gathers more, than we are dominate yezz? If Victor's hivelings gather more than he is dominate yezz? If so we fight Victors enemies and grow strong. If not so we fight Victor's hivelings and grow strong.

you understand yezz?

-"Hard Shell"
I understand. We await you in 5 days time.

- Lord Asher Oakheart
Greetings Hard Shell,

Your challenge shall be met! While it is unfortunate that I will not be able to attend this challenge in person, I will appoint Lord Asher Oakheart to champion the cause and lead our people of the valley to victory!

Walk with Honor,
Victor von Gryphon