Vineasy Trading Company


Chicago Staff

If you haven't heard my voice then you probably should listen more, or you've drowned me out; Vut who vould do zhat?

I shall be once again joining adventurers for zhis great invitation into Boemae. With zhat, I have a few wares to sell!

Large Pink gemmed ring.
1/d Banish, Subjugate, solidify for the remainder of the year. Tied to Gaden. It also looks fabulous on maybe your special someone!

Silver Ring
3/d 30 ice elemental burst, 2/d 50 stone elemental burst. Travels. 3years. A finely cut ring. Just for you, or me, or to wear when getting out of flame or lightning situations.

Pewter Sword pendant, about 4 inches tall.
5/d Disarm for 5 years. Travels. Two serpents cross a sword of pewter, for the warrior in all of us!

I also have a Permanency Ritual Scroll for sale! Vant an item to last forever? Vhich is every tailors nightmare! Zhen I have zhe scroll for you!

If zhere is anything else you may require of the VTC, then be sure to ask and I'm sure I can acquire it. Need stuff sold to add coin to coffers? I can do zhat to. I however don't deal in food or drink, as zhat is too messy and I vould hate to intrude on a certain Hobling of Shadow's Light's business.

OOH von more thing! I can also teach vone lucky person per day of a variety of skills that doesn't involve fighting from the front. Not honorable to fight from behind you may ask? Sure, think zhat way, but make sure to say zhat to Talitha next time you see her, or Artemis; I'm sure they can get their point of view across. A ha, I kid I kid; but really, Talitha is deadly.

A simple Merchant,
So what's da aspect of da disarm item? Cause I could use a disarm item. And do you have asking prices for any of these things since me is also interested in the permanency scroll.

A permanency scroll? I would love to purchase that, if nobody else has made an offer. I am looking to make my lab permanently magical with it, which would be excellent! I'll talk to you when I get into town about it.

-Benjamin Bookworm