"Visible Pin"

Just a note, since I see this misplayed so often...pin, bind, web, and confine *are* visible effects, however this information may not be volunteered out-of-game unless specifically inquired about by another player, and the response must be given as a simple affirmative or negative.

For example:

"I am visibly webbed." is not a valid statement.

An answer of "yes" or "no" to the question "Are you visibly webbed?", however, *is* a valid statement.

If someone asks if you are webbed, you may not answer "no, but I am confined".

Okay, but what if the statement I'm making is IG? As in "Help, he Webbed me!" or "Hey you morons, get me out of this Confine so I can go kick his behind!"
Any statement made in-game is fine (so long as you aren't applying OOG knowledge). This becomes more of an issue when the character is incapable of communicating this information in-game.

Also, some people seem compelled to give this information out-of-game (hand on head, even) when an in-game response would suffice; to that effect this can be taken as a motivation to "keep it in game".
