

My sister and I will be traveling there soon and could use some help figuring our way around your lands in a number of ways:

  • Neither of us have many contacts in your lands and would seek safe accommodations with people, we can help provide wards for all involved of course.

    We could use a guide to help us get to the gather itself.

    Both of us are Casters and have no clue what spells might be used to greater effect.

    I could also use a primer on your laws so we can abide by them. Specifically forms of address and laws concerning visiting diplomats and nobility.

    Lastly, If someone would allow me to spell craft a spirit link unto myself I would appreciate it. I can provide the components and casting skill.

We can help with battle magic scroll making, casting wards, spell crafting, teaching or any other magically based task.

If the need arises I can bring the fixings to make Poutine for any and all or some other form of very unhealthy eats or drinks.

Whatever else you need, let me know and I can see if I can bring it or help with it.

Until we meet,

Jehan Wyldweaver
*a female voice chuckles*

These lands are overrun by elementals, and so far the only mortals are adventurers and a few others who have arrived through extraordinary circumstances. Anyone who carries noble title brought it from another land. There are no laws or rules about visiting nobles, as there are no native ones. The adventurers are basically governed by their own groups or teams.

Memorize whatever you'd normally memorize to fight elementals or elementally tainted creatures.

Places to stay can be trickier, there are few large structures, but many smaller ones.

There's elementally tainted food, so be careful of what you eat, and I wouldn't suggest signing anything.

Welcome to the Maelstrom.
Forgive Phedre's sense of humor. I'd like to again offer thanks for your services, and I will speak with you privately through dreams.

In my short visit to your lands, I did discover laws. Some of the populace have survived.

There is also a significant class of nobles who were grabbed by the mysts from Parna, which appears to be a just land. They seem, however, reluctant to dispense justice when they don't have their courts and armies to back them up.

Jehan, trust in the nobles here, and be sure not to travel alone: the adventurers I met feared elementals, but also each other. These lands do certainly need more help. You might bring a copy of your own country's laws, to help those with good hearts establish a new civlization with the best combination of laws.

For all, I share the laws of my Kingdom of Icenia here. download/file.php?id=653

I wish the best of luck to all that are working to rebuild civilzation in this elementally-ravaged world. I hope that I have had a positive impact, and that perhaps you may return the favor in my own war-torn homeland.

May your massive burnt trees regrow in circles and shade you from the coming summer sun,

Sornelintion, the Eagle-eye
Kingdom of Icenia
Duchy of Ashbury
Barrony of the Ash Forest

P.S: Ghost, Barroness Ezri Silverthorn sends her regards. Apparently much has happened in my homeland during my absence.
Jehan, (forgive me, if you have a title I am unaware of it)

Anyone who is willing to take up arms against the elementals is welcome in the Malestrom. Though said elementals can be tricky, I would second Phedre's warning about signing your name to things, as well as add my own equal warning about verbal agreements or oaths.

The mortal races of Fortanis are considered a commodity here, to be touched and shaped by different elementals should you happen to come under the influence of a particular faction. There are many of us here marked by different elements, myself included.

If you or your sister have further questions, feel free to contact me in dreams and I shall answer to the best of my ability.

As for places to stay there are some small ruins that can be made habitable, had have enough structure left to them to maintain a ward. If you are not too far afield of the other camps then you should be as safe as any of us here ever are.

Thank you in advanced for your aid and services, whatever they wind up being.

-Squire Marisa Silverrose of House Phoenix.
Greetings Jehan Wyldweaver,

It is always good to know more of the mortal races are joining the fray in this troubled land. I'll share with you the earth spells I memorize and my rationale behind it, I hope it proves informative.

1st sphere: 5 cure light wounds - An obvious choice, though there is argument for endow since lifting a body with speed is helpful as is the occasional ripping free from an entanglement. Personally, I use the endow potions I possess to fulfill that need.
2nd sphere: 3 repels, 2 magic armors - Honestly I'm thinking of swapping these values. Numerous enemies strike with particular devastation and the magic armor has proven better at negating such. Extracting the full value from repel would require better unit coordination than we have at present. There is also argument for pins, though expect most foes to be able to rip free from such.
3rd sphere: 5 weakness - An obvious choice for earth scholars, especially vs. death elementals which it sometimes neuters entirely. There is also a good argument for bind, but bear in mind the same issues pins have.
4th sphere: 2 awaken 3 cure serious wounds - The elementals I've encountered have yet to employ command effects... but I am not going to be caught off guard for if and when they do. Cure serious is there for obvious reasons.
5th sphere: 3 webs, 2 releases - Even though many foes have ripped free from webs (even when weaknessed), I've found very few to be immune. For the releases, refer to my rationale for awakens. You'll note a distinct lack of spell shields. Thus far in The Maelstrom, I've only encountered a singular foe for which spell shields would be useful. By and large you'll be struck by things delivered via the elements.
6th sphere: 5 cure critical wounds - As obvious as elemental shield should be, all too often that particular defense would be wasted on some minor elemental evocation. As such, I find a quick and potent recovery mechanism is far superior to outright mitigation as it's currently far too chancy.
7th sphere: 3 confine, 2 destruction - A few enemies haven't been able to rip from the confines, and again, outright defense against it hasn't been extraordinarily common either. Destructions have their place against enemy leaders, who I've found lack immunity and are more than willing to expend significant defenses to avoid the effect. I've yet to find a single thing that justifies destroys here.
8th sphere: 2 purifies, 2 paralysis, 1 cure mortal wounds - If I could have more spells of this sphere, it'd make my day. Paralysis tends to stick well, especially on particularly nasty lieutenants. While disabling effects haven't been especially common, when they are around, it's brutal. I just wish I had more room for cure mortal wounds... but I think the mitigation a good paralysis can provide, or restoration from a purify by and large does more good.
9th sphere: life, life, and more life - Interestingly enough several of the elementals are beginning to take on aspects of mortal beings; susceptibility to gifts of death being one of them. While I'm loathe to use the spell offensively it has proven useful in preventing an overrun.

If you have any further questions regarding this topic, please feel free to ask.

-Lieutenant Lord Hale Copperthreads

Some of us have made the decision to shy away from presuming to create any system of rank, respecting that there may be mortals-turned-elementals and mortals-turned-undead who may someday be restored to the civilizations that were once here. Our ways may not be theirs, and it would be somewhere between hubris and folly to name ourselves lords and masters of lands that are not ours.

We abide by the systems of ethics and moral codes that we bring from our own upbringings and experiences. I'm fairly certain you weren't suggesting that those are lacking somehow. If there is anyone currently in these lands who has reason to fear another adventurer or group, I welcome them to speak to them (either as themselves or through an intermediary) so that we can avoid conflict within our numbers. If elemental factions saw dissent among us, I can only imagine they would try to leverage control through "favors" or bargains; the easiest way to break apart a group of people is to enhance among them fear and distrust for their peers.

Dear Phedre,

I am glad that we agree that such fear is detrimental. I spoke only of my observations while visiting your lands, and since the wary adventurers spoke to me in confidence, I cannot share their names.

Something for you to ponder on: what is the proper course of action when a wary adventurer witnesses an immoral or unethical action? What if speaking to the offending party has no effect? I will say only that nobody I spoke with had answers to these questions.

Phedre, I wish you the best of luck in making your honest dream a reality,