
Tom Andary

Greetings all,

I will be visiting your area of the mists in a few days. Will anyone I know be around? What are the accomodations like in Wayside?

Many thanks,

Casan Moreaux
Order of the Emerald Flame
Wunderbar! Will be good to see you again, Casan.

Accommodations are nice around dhese parts. Good cabins wit' wood stoves. Bring your own bedding. I am sure Jara could place you in one of him rooms if you can nye find anot'er place, but dhat should nye be a problem.

Fortune and Love,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi
Tom Andary said:
Greetings all,

I will be visiting your area of the mists in a few days. Will anyone I know be around? What are the accomodations like in Wayside?

Many thanks,

Casan Moreaux
Order of the Emerald Flame


I didn't know ya could go dis far from yer tavern. Hehehe. Like Marcena said, dere's cabins available. I'll also have space in my place. Let me know if ya need anythin', or if ya want ta order some drink.

Deputy Garmok Stoneskull Rockfist
First Deputy, Briarpass

I will be around, If you want to stay in my cabin I should have space. If I count on my fingers i have enough space.

Squire Eldandiril

If only you could see how happy I am that you will be visiting us here in Wayside. :D It has been to long. I would like to speak to you if you have the time this marketday.

Much Love,
Liddia FallingStar
Thank you all for the offers of lodging. :)


I hope to have nothing but time while I am visiting...we'll see how that turns out though. Some glowy-eyed guy gave me something for you.

I did not sell anyone to anyone. I suspect that the glowly eyes man is Knight November's replacement. Lady November has not been in contact with me in over a year now.

I will not be in attendance the first evening of this marketday unless something changes. And I look forward to seeing you on Saturday in the late morning.
Much Love,
oh, whew, hiiiiiimmmm, okay I feel a little better.... we'll have to contact him back huh?
Squire Moreaux - It vill be delightful to see jou again! Vill ve be able to look forward to ze rest of ze Order's Squires in Briarpass? I have heard tell zome ozers from Dragon's Reach have been rezurfacing of late - it's alvays gut to see faces from ze old homestead.

Master Dramzin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Hello Dramthin,

It appears I will be traveling by myself this weekend. The rest of the Order have duties that prevent mist travel, or are gearing up for our vacation to Horn's End the following week. None of us hold Noble title now, nor do I suspect will we ever again.

Safe travels,

Moreaux - Vhile Dragon Reach is lost and Caladore is gone, King Veckril still holds his honour, zerefore zo do all zose who pledge to uphold his rule and his peace. But, if jou vould prefer I do not speak jour title, I understand.

Regardless, zis is a happy time! Briarpass vill be greatly emboldened by jour presence, if for no ozer reason zen jou can bring great tales of derring-do to Jara's tavern.

Master Dramzin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove

Given recent events, you can't blame him for asking. It's a valid question.

Anywho --

I am fairly certain, noble or not -- that I've heard of you, Casan.

Mostly good, heroic, epic-type things. So though you may hold no title, your reputation is most definitely noble.

All a title really allots a person is a funny metal hat and a whooole bunch of land and responsibility. I find felt much more comfortable given the up-and-down nature of adventuring -- makes for a softer landing. ;) The responsibility part -- well, that's something most adventurers take upon themselves anyhow.

Everyone and their dog is offering you a place to stay, so I won't echo them. But if you'd like a tour of the town -- that I can indeed offer, as well as fill-in knowledge about any goings on people may mention to you. I'm pretty-well informed about most everything going on around these parts.

Given you're visiting, you're on vacation -- try not to let anyone talk you into visiting any caves, pools, temples, or towers -- you'll find your stay much more relaxing if you do. :D

Thanks for the heads up. One of the tenets of the Order is to not visit places with spooky, haunted, forbidden or creepy in the title. Hopefully that will weed out some of the problem areas. :)

See you tomorrow,

Casan Moreaux
Order of the Emerald Flame