Given recent events, you can't blame him for asking. It's a valid question.
Anywho --
I am fairly certain, noble or not -- that I've heard of you, Casan.
Mostly good, heroic, epic-type things. So though you may hold no title, your reputation is most definitely noble.
All a title really allots a person is a funny metal hat and a whooole bunch of land and responsibility. I find felt much more comfortable given the up-and-down nature of adventuring -- makes for a softer landing.

The responsibility part -- well, that's something most adventurers take upon themselves anyhow.
Everyone and their dog is offering you a place to stay, so I won't echo them. But if you'd like a tour of the town -- that I can indeed offer, as well as fill-in knowledge about any goings on people may mention to you. I'm pretty-well informed about most everything going on around these parts.
Given you're visiting, you're on vacation -- try not to let anyone talk you into visiting any caves, pools, temples, or towers -- you'll find your stay much more relaxing if you do.