voice death question


Say the Hunter was rifting into the tavern and I cast sleep on myself. When the hunter was fully rifted in I was on the ground asleep and the hunster yelled Voice death would I be dead or just asleep or asleep and dead?

UNLESS... you touch cast the sleep on yourself and you had a spell shield. Then, the Hunter's voice attack would hit your spell shield.
wouldn't a spell shield work regardless of if you are awake or asleep? At least for the first one. if he did it again, you'd pretty much be screwed if you were asleep.

At least awake you can recast it.
you would have to call the defense. If you are *actually asleep and fail to call your defense because of it, the spell shield does not take effect; but if you are just IG asleep and call the defense, it works just fine.
Dave said:
you would have to call the defense. If you are *actually asleep and fail to call your defense because of it, the spell shield does not take effect; but if you are just IG asleep and call the defense, it works just fine.

According to page 57 under spell defenses, middle column, first paragraph

spell defenses activate if the victim is sleeping normally, they will wake and be aware that the spell defense is gone
Cymryc said:
According to page 57 under spell defenses, middle column, first paragraph

spell defenses activate if the victim is sleeping normally, they will wake and be aware that the spell defense is gone

*however* this should be superceded by the rule that a person must call a defense within a certain amount of time or they are assumed not to have called it. If a person is sleeping IG and they do not wake up when I am pelting them with packets and saying spells (not to mention after opening their door) and they fail to call a defense, how much more notice do they need? I can definitely see a situation where an NPC would have reacted *very* differently if they had called a defense as they should. Just as in combat, if you don't call the spell shield, you don't call the spell shield and you take the effect.

Now, if a person is sleeping normally (ie, rp'ing sleep) and they make the call, then I agree they would be protected.
The problem is that Voice effects will not necessarily wake them the same as a weapon blow or packet hit would. If Joe Shmo the Evil Wizard is outside in the middle of the cabins yelling "Voice Death", and Bob asleep in his cabin doesn't wake up... who's at fault here? If Joe then goes around to all the cabins and wakes people up OOG saying "You've been Voice Deathed" it seems Bob should be able to call his Spell Shield even if it's been 5 minutes.