Waking up NPC camp to find mod cards

Jesse Grabowski

Hey guys... as some of you might have already guessed... we get little to no sleep while we entertain you. I think I got a total of 6.5 hours all weekend. If you are inclined to go out hunting at the wee hours of Saturday morning, to look for mod cards, don't come knocking on our door at 7:45 please.

Here is the basic run down.

We wake up around 8:30-9, try to get into the tavern for 9:30. Drink coffee. Come back to NPC camp around 10-10:30. Run non-stop mods all day long. Some planned and plot related, some random mod cards you all find.

What to do... when you find the mod card, please take it, call a small localized hold, and send one OOG runner to NPC camp to let us know what you found and where it is. We will get our gear, bodies, stats and things, and go to that location and run it for you.

IF YOU DO NOT PLAN ON GOING ON IT immediately, then leave it alone!

You (and your group) are not allowed to pick up more than one card at a time. However, if you go on a mod, finish it, and immediately go to grab another one you know of, that's fine.

Plot reserves the right to say, "we cannot run that now, we have XYZ happening. But please hold onto it and come back in (amount of time)."

Hope this helps clarify some things. Knock on my door at 7:45 am and prepare for a party wipe! LOL
With love,
Also please please please don't leave the mod card there after you have finished it. I went all the way from the lake to NPC camp and back to "do a mod" that didn't exist because someone left the card there.
Great info! I didn't really know HOW you guys ran things down there. This help us be more considerate. Thank you!
Yes, yes. You are very lucky that I was awake enough not to call chaos shots out the front door.
You were passed out that night when I heard you snoring. :D
Along these lines, if you find one mod early that you plan on doing as soon as the npcs are awake and not overly hostile, can you snag that one since you will be doing it the very first thing or should you wait till after breakfast and gather your party and head over after that hoping no one else grabs it in the mean time?
Jesse stated that you take the mod card and hold onto it until we are awake, BUT if you aren't going to want to run it right away leave it alone. So its a hit or miss, I'd personally say remember to bring a pen, write in the corner of it CLAIMED with your party and time and come get us shortly after breakfast. But we will let Jesse finalized the ruling on that.
ok, will wait for clarification on that , I am fine with which ever just want to make sure I have it down as I am one of those early risers :)
I'd say that the bottom line is don't be a jerk about it. Snagging a mod card is a really grey area because the monster/encounter/weird glowy thing is still there in game, and shoving it in your pocket to make sure no one else gets it is kinda lame in my opinion. Personally, I think you should get your party first. You can easily get out there to it if you know where it is if you wake up early enough and rouse your group. As a former plot guy, having a queue of mod cards makes for a long day.
One suggestion I have, that might make it a bit easier on the NPCs, is the following. Right now we run the mod cards so that the PCs have to send a runner to NPC camp, and the NPCs have to go to that location, run the mod and come back. How about instead we do it where the whole PC group still has to go to the mod card location, but they take the mod card, the whole PC group goes OOG to NPC camp, and the mod card is run next to NPC camp? That might save a lot of NPC time since they wouldn't have to keep going back and forth to mod card locations. At least we could do that for the mod cards that are not dependent on particular terrain. (Of course this change would just affect mod cards, not any of the town battles or anything like that.)
These mods will run where the card is found unless we are pressed for time. While it is easier on NPCs, I DON'T want to get into the lazy habit of making everything happen right outside NPC camp. That's not how we roll. You should get your party first!! If you go out at the crack of dawn, and find them all, don't grab one, as that means you are going on the mod alone! If you return with your group, and grab it, then THAT group will go. As someone above said, don't be a jerk about it. It's not a video game. Don't stuff it in your pocket and activate mod card. LOL
Okay lemme make sure I have this right:

If you find a mod card before "After Breakfast", you cannot run it, you cannot put it in your pocket, and you can either:
1. Come back later and hope someone else didn't beat you to it.
2. Camp out at the mod card until the NPCs are done with breakfast.

Just wanna make sure everything is clear and there isn't something else.
Why is this controversial? Shouldn't some of these things just get filed under common courtesy, both to volunteers and staff? Don't wake up NPCs. Don't be a jerk and hoard all the mods. I don't even know why it's necessary to point out that stuff out.

Why is this controversial? Shouldn't some of these things just get filed under common courtesy, both to volunteers and staff? Don't wake up NPCs. Don't be a jerk and hoard all the mods. I don't even know why it's necessary to point out that stuff out.


Because feedback on this has been unclear previously Trace. Even to myself direct from plot. It's always necessary to point this stuff out when there has obviously been a miscommunication, misunderstanding, or a change.

Personally, while I believe in the "Be awesome to everyone" perspective, one person's common courtesy is another person's "Hey I don't mind." We were told, we find a mod card whenever, we go to NPC camp and run it. As the person who headed down to NPC camp said, he thinks he woke them up, but they're coming up anyways even though he said it was okay we can do it later. It's good to be clear on plot's needs and expectations so there isn't any further disconnect.
I appreciate that players are eager to start their adventures -- and concerned about missing out on opportunities for fun. When the courtesy of our game staff members turns to, "Hey I don't mind" when we're waking them up from the less than 4 hours sleep they already get -- we're not meeting courtesy with courtesy. We're answering their kindness and courtesy with burning out our staff members. Unless someone or something is literally on fire, or a PC is getting Obliterated, I don't think we should ever be waking up staff. There's nothing else so important that it can't wait at least for a bit.

If you (alone) find a mod card before we are done with breakfast, assume you're out scouting for stuff to find and you did, hooray. If you rip it down, that assumes you are attempting to do the mod alone.

If you (with your group) find a mod card before we are done with breakfast, you can either:
1. take it down, call a small localized hold, send a runner to NPC camp, and wait there patiently until we are ready.
2. write CLAIMED and write the names of the players who found it. Don't be cheesy. All of the members going on it MUST be present when names are written down. Don't be that person who scouts in the wee hours and writes your friends' names down for them in absentia. You CANNOT write your names on another MOD card until you finish your first mod. No Pre-Claiming the mod cards by finding them all and writing your names all over them. Be cool about it.
WHen you think we are finished with breakfast, head back to NPC camp and see if we are ready to run your CLAIMED mod card.

Is this clear now? Are there any other questions about this?