Wand Physreps!


What do people use for their wand physreps?

I recently purchased a wand online only to find out when I got to game it didn't meet safety standards.

Do people mainly make their own wands from sticks, or have people found a good place online to purchase one?


I had previously ordered a wand from Alivans, but the wand failed as it was not at least 1/2" in diameter as specified in the rulebook. I was able to use it for the event by hacking off the end and taping it (I purchased their 8.00 wand so I wasn't too concerned).

What do you use Robb?

I literally have 4 wands from Alivans. 1 for each element. mine were about $30.00 a piece, but they are all right around 1/2 diameter (thicker in some areas, thinner in others). I'm no marshal, but I don't see why any wand from that shop should not pass as being safe. IMO, the job of the safety inspector is to make sure the wand is not made of something too sharp (sharpened stick, glass, barbed wire). And that it isn't too brittle. What was your chapters response about failing it? that it was literally unsafe?
Anyway, at HQ, I've also seen people with neat looking metal wands with wire hand wraps. And boffer wands too.

Have I ever failed any wands when i was HoL? yeah.. when people tried to use sticks they found in the woods 5 minutes before hand. Beyond that, most people bring nice looking personalized reps.
The wands specifically failed as the end of the wand was less than 1/2" and that according to the rule book definition, it failed, even though it was a nicely crafted rep.

Here is the link to the rep: http://www.alivans.com/custom/cart/edit.asp?p=97332

Given that I don't want to spend any more money without knowing that it will fail, I wanted to ask others what they use.

man.. I'm glad i don't play your chapter. :mad: i really don't think the spirit of the rule was to ban reps like that.

Yeah your right, what chapter won't allow weapons that fail to meet alliance safety standards as written to be used? :huh: The letter of the rule has to be followed most stringently where logistics and safety are concerned. This has been proven beyond a doubt as chapters have been taken offline for it.

I am curious...How big are your wands at the tip and where do you play that they allow your wands in? :zonks:

Trust me, as an owner, I hate the min size rule on wands and think it should be completely discretionary with guidlines like the ones you mentioned. Unfortunatly thats currently not the case so given no alternative (it wasnt my chapter) I reffered it to the owner who didnt want to risk getting in trouble for a wand rep.

As the marshal there, I failed the wand despite telling him I felt it looked safe othherwise and wished I could pass it. The problem here is that it becomes a slippery slope. I let a wand thats 2/16th of an inch short of minimum then the next guy asks me for a 1/16th allowance too until I am really just allowing wands with 2/16th of an inch at the tip. Where should I draw the line? If you can tell me that I'll write a proposal right now to change the minimum wand diameter to that number. If not, I'll proceed with trying to take the other owners temp on lowering the min size on wands or allowing them to be 100% direcretionary. Until then we are damned if we do and damned if we dont. If I let his supercool wand in because he's my friend but not yours because I don't know you... would you be pissed? I know I would be and have been when its happened to me before.

Now should the rule be changed? Heck yes... I intend to take it up because I've failed way too many cool looking wands for it to make sense but until were stuck with the RAW. If you want to help me write the proposal I would be glad for your help and I'm certain I'm not the only owner who would be thankfull for it Dave G from SoMN included.
The RAW for a wand is as follows:
p.102 "Wands cannot be used for blocking, parrying, or attacking purposes in melee combat. Wands, just like weapons, must be checked in during Logistics before you are give your wand packet tags. Wands should be between 12 and 14 inches with a diameter between 1/2 inch to an inch. They can be made from most materials (PVC, CPVC, graphite or decorative wood). They can be decorated, painted, and otherwise personalized as you please. A visit to your local craft store will provide inspiration. Local chapters have a right to refuse the use of a wand if they deem it unsafe in their chapter."

To give some perspective, the diameter as written can be compared to being slightly smaller than a dime to being slightly larger than a quarter.

What was the original intent for the wand, why the 1/2" to an inch? Was the concern poking someone's eye out? If so, a 1/2" wand is more than capable to do that, or was the original intent to disallow lets say knitting needles or chopsticks? Was the intent so that at least part of the wand would be 1/2" to and inch, or the whole rep to be so (e.g., larger handle).

Or was the original intent to make an item to be shatterproof to prevent it from breaking? A while ago, I saw someone post a wand with a crystal on the end of it, to me that seems to be more dangerous than a classic carved wand.

(This may need to be moved by one of those fancy Paladins to a more appropriate part of the boards).

Thoughts and feedback would be appreciated! Thanks!

exaclty. when does a rule need to have a proposal written to change it entirely, and when can it be just given to the arc for clarification and modified in an adendum?

i don't technically unsertand the whole "needing a safety tag" anyway (that would be something to propose, removing that requirement). do we need safty tags for our circle reps? our potion viles? our utencils and mugs we carry? you may think i am being difficult with that statement, but i'm totally serious. I see silverware, glass potion viles, and many other props far more dangeous than any wand that's come into game... and yet someone deemed it necessary they be safety checked? when it clearly says you can't block with it or use it in combat as a phisical weapon?
Robb Graves said:
Anyway, at HQ, I've also seen people with neat looking metal wands with wire hand wraps. And boffer wands too.

Have I ever failed any wands when i was HoL? yeah.. when people tried to use sticks they found in the woods 5 minutes before hand. Beyond that, most people bring nice looking personalized reps.

Are you saying that during your time as HoL at HQ you did not follow the rules as written if you did not personally agree with them, such as an insufficient diameter on a wand rep if it was well made and cool enough? I'm confused here, as our flagship chapter I'd think HQ would be adamant about sticking to the wording and bringing up things that were a bit too draconian instead of ignoring portions of them...
what can I say, I'm a bad person, and a bad HoL. Probably why I'm not HoL anymore. Anyway, since we've gotten to the "let's point fingers and try to get people in trouble because they disagree with me" part of the conversation, I'm done with this topic. I offically cede this to those who are marshals and run games (as I do not, and I represent only my opinion and no one elses) I don't need moderators knockng at my door. For the record, HQ is quite strict about the rules. So much so it frustrated the crap out of me time and again.

Good luck with the proposal if you were really serious. i know how long those take to get passed.

I'm looking forward to playing my rogue this year. Alchemy is my new favorite thing.
Robb Graves said:
Anyway, since we've gotten to the "let's point fingers and try to get people in trouble because they disagree with me" part of the conversation, I'm done with this topic.

I know I'm probably being a bit over sensitive here, but I believe this portion started with the below, unattributed quote.

Mysterious stranger said:
man.. I'm glad i don't play your chapter. :mad:
I'd imagine whoever ran that chapter might find such a thing hurtful. :emo:

Ugh, I'll move along with my day as well, I just hate the idea that someone would cast stones at a game run by the book, we love cool reps, heck the above discussion happened in the great hall of an actual castle for Fortannis sake ^.^

I tossed Cat a link. If she bites on it, I'm sure I can get her to post pictures of it. If it works, well, I think this conversation, such that it is, will end up looking kind of silly... as will the thought of spending $80 on a wand.
Personally, I would try to make any wands I have in the future from soft foam & do the latex coating thing...flexible so less chance of breaking something and make sure it is within tolerances...
I am incredibly poor at managing props.
Robb Graves said:
Have I ever failed any wands when i was HoL? yeah.. when people tried to use sticks they found in the woods 5 minutes before hand.

I must have missed the part of the rulebook that says "no wands made from sticks".

Is that in some addendum somewhere?

My poor gypsy will be heartbroken.
These are amazing Cat! How much are you charging for those?
i have a web site and i sale wands masks horns all for larp-ing i also am a professional artist in ceramics and watercolor paintings, i am in the middle of re doing my web site now that i have new business cards, but i have only been able to up lode the latest larp-ing items to the site, ill have the paintings and other bits up some time soon to the site.
