Wanted: Enemy of the State

An exerpt from a local newpaper:

An unprecedented Order has been penned by the Regents of Wayside and presented to the people:

Riley Risenhoofen the 3rd is hereby stripped of all guild status and affiliations. His seniority among guilds to be revoked permanently.

Persuant to his many foul deeds of missuse of fomal magiks, pursuit of enslavement related alchemy, endengerment of the people, flight from the law, murder, sedition, treason, acts of violence upon children, slander to regents of wayside, attempted murder of Koshinaran Elders, Breaking and Entering, Theft, Slander, and sundry other vile crimes and petty misdemeanors.

All citizens, visitors, and allies of wayside are charged with his immediate destruction as ordered by legal authorities. Anyone seeking to render aid shall be considered a traitor and incitor of violence

Master Hoofen, lately of the disbanded alchemists guild and subcontractor for Hitch 42 has been a suspect at large in an investigation held by GuildMasters of the Order of Light, in conjunction with, magistrates of House Horatio who apparantly have found. The Elder Riley Risenhoofen 2nd, was arrested and tried some years back for breach of contract in the "Risen Tower" trials and later commited to the asylum where he died of his ailment. It is beleived that The younger hoblings motives were to avenge what he maintained was an injustice against his father who he claimed was still alive.

No publicly ackowledged ties exist between the recent troubles and Risenhoofen the Thirds sudden fall from grace.