War Report:


15th Company, NW Patrol Reporting:

Supply chain to Tymphany remains unbroken; only minor incidents of banditry en route. The majority of undead in this area have been destroyed partly with the aid of a wandering Elf earlier this year. Northern farms are well recovered from the banshee attack and are expecting sufficient harvest to survive the winter.

--Captain Jonah Silas of the Royal Army
31st Company South Reporting in:

Last of the Salt has been cleared from Targosia. When we arrived the nodes had already been destroyed and the task was easier than anticipated. Minimal casualties; 3 resurrections including 2 golems. Lands is clear and the way prepared for Ritual Recovery as ordered.

Captain Tasha Sloan
18th Infantry Western Borderguard Reporting in:


Our company was taken by surprise by a large force of Razorboars. Have retreated to Post 198 but require backup. 19 resurrections, 7 permanent.

Sergeant Dranic Ilenadir
Sergeant, help is on the way. Tell your soldiers they must not lose hope. It's only a matter of time before the rebels lose their fight, and we may turn again to protecting the people of Wayside from the dangers that threaten us outside our borders.

To the disgraced Duke Jocelyn Raash:
Jocelyn, you were once an honorable man and a loyal servant to the kingdom. We will give you one last chance to lay down arms. If you turn yourself in, your soldiers will be spared, and the fact that the King once called you friend will not be forgotten. If you refuse, there will be no mercy for you or your followers. Even with the Razorboars, your forces are hopelessly outnumbered. You are losing this war--do not throw away the lives of your men on this senseless crusade against your ruler.

You may think you're secure in your hiding place, wherever that may be; but I promise you, the arm of the Law is long, and will reach you no matter how far you run.

His Majesty understands that your troops merely follow your orders and would not be committing these acts of treason if you had not ordered it. If you have any last shred of respect for the law, of regard for your duty to Wayside, you will return to Arbor to face justice for your actions. Is your life worth more to you than the lives of the thousands who serve you? I beg you, do not waste the lives of your people for this meaningless rebellion.

Sera Amy Hale
Royal Knight to His Majesty King Gregor Isenhorn