We are looking at moving our November event! *tentative*


Gettysburg Staff
***Attention*** we are looking at moving our last event of the year (Closer) from the second week in November to OCTOBER 25, 26,27.

One it will hopefully be a little warmer. :cold:

Secondly there will be no east coast conflicts for events that weekend so CT and GB will not be competing for players.

If this means you would like us to move the event to OCTOBER 25,26,27. please like this post on our facebook page so I can schedule the change with the campsite as they still have availability. I would like to know by Tuesday night (July 16th).


We are also encouraging comments about the subject to allow for the most players to come. so speak up! you can speak up here or on the FB page. Both will be considered.

Thank you :thumbsup:
Hi! I wanted to let you know that NH has a strong chance of pushing our November event date back from that weekend to the following one because of a site issue. For those who are looking for a warmer date this won't make any difference, but for those who would wish to avoid a conflict with our chapter it will be relevant.

However it works out, I hope you guys are having a great year so far and your season only gets better.

-Dan, NH Head of Plot/Loudmouth.
Hey guys,

Any word on whether either if these events have been moved? We have people that need to give two months notice to schedule off.

Sheila Haswell
Chapter Hopper
Is there not an event during september, then? Sorry I'm a lil confused xD
No, the August event was originally this weekend coming(which would have been our September event) but it was changed due to a scheduling conflict with the site.

The next events are:
October 11-13
November 8-10