We are "The Company"


Chicago Staff
Greetings and salutations everyone,

As some adventurers may have noticed last Market Day, I have started to garner a number of compatriots, which has been glorious. These wonderful men and women are all adventurers I have met over my many travels around Ternia throughout the years as a bard. So as I continue to build my roots in this tremendous community, I have decided to bring my friends in on the fun.

Together, we are a group called “Sam Company”, or more simply, “The Company”.

The Company is a collection of adventurers who come from all different walks of life, bringing all their various knowledge and unique experiences together for the common good (and sometimes gold). The mortar that spurred this new community was the quick friendship that developed between us all. I realize that may sound trit and cliche to many, but it’s absolutely true. We have bonded to together through mutual trials and experiences and emerge as one whole group of unique individuals ready to try and make things around here a little more bearable.

One of our main goals is to always try to obtain solutions without violence. As many have seen already, whenever I can calm a situation by sharing one of my brews over the swing of my blade, I consider that a good day. But I am not naive enough to believe that all creatures that threaten us will listen to reason (or delicious beers). Company men and women will always have their blades, arrows, and magic energies at the ready to help Westhaven, Wayside, or any plane that needs it.

Most of us are not very seasoned adventurers and we're okay with that. We welcome all new adventurers to our group without second thought. We truly believe that when enough young adventurers come together, big things can be accomplished.

You can easily find any us at my tavern, “The Flaming Skull”, located in town near where the Brotherhood village is located. If you want to join our band of merriment, come on down to the bar! We’ll have a beer and talk, maybe even share a story or twelve.

Our members include:

Sam Gemclipper: Leader of The Company, Master Bard, Journeyman alchemist, Tavern-owner, Captain of The Sea Witch, Initiate of the Earth Guild in the Potions and Non-Magical Pursuits Division, and Guildmaster of the Merchant Guild.

Draco Ardel: If you see a surly dwarf hanging around, covered in chain mail and generally rolling his eyes at me, that would this person. He is the breaker of undead, journeyman blacksmith, and second in charge of the Company. You would be pressed to find a better mate to have your back.

John Smith: A soft spoken but extremely reliable mercenary. He claims to coldly go where ever there is coin for himself, but I suspect our groups’ passion and good nature has slowly been rubbing off on this ultimately kind human warrior. You may recognize him by the unique helm that has been passed down for generations of Smiths. He wishes to make his family name common place throughout the lands, so if expecting parents are on the fence with what to name their progeny, you could do a lot worse than John Smith!

The Uglesen Brothers: Bjorn, Varg, and Bier are three brothers from the Northlands. Yes, for those that met Bjorn from the last Market Day, there are two more brothers exactly like him. They are all from a specific remote village tribe way up North that cast them all out years ago for reasons they have yet to tell me. Although I’m pretty sure it involved fighting, drinking, and someone’s pig.

Nuka: One of the best trackers I’ve ever met. This young Wolf-kin is fiercely independent with strong convictions to boot. He has been known to have a temper, but once he agrees to fight for you, he’ll chase down the moon for you if necessary. No seriously, I’m pretty sure I saw him try to do that once.

Roja & Haze: Ran into this duo on the road one day while being chased by a mega herd of chickens. Roja is a high elf arcane archer. She’s quiet but very friendly. Don’t get on her bad side, she can be a cruel creature to those that wrong her. Haze is a barbarian (he doesn’t care that I call him that) from the mysterious “Rainbow Tribe”. They are the only tribesmen I’ve run into that make and use crossbows. He left his brothers and sisters because he owed Roja a life debt. I am humbled that they have left their travelers life to work with The Company.

Thaddeus Maximus: A very militant man with a keen mind, Thaddy finished his training from military academy downsouth with honors before being dishonorable discharged for killing an officer in a duel within a year after. Now that said officer was a traitor trying to eliminate the General, but the academy didn’t want to set a precedent for soldiers going rogue and killing officers for the good of the school. Plus he had zero proof. He stole their uniform and armor before he left that night, so two points for Thaddy in my book.

Terra Jane: A soft hearted healer after my own heart. She may seem innocent, but she has endured enough pain for an elf’s lifetime. She brings a calm and steady heart to our rowdy group of hooligans.

And we have more coming every month! I'm very excited for everyone to meet them.
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Oye, Welcome Company,
Yah... more drinking buddies for the Brotherhood. I think I met most of you last market day, but I could be mistaken. I don't remember half the things I do.... cause.... I'm to busy to keep track of all my comings and goings, you know how that gets. Well I hope you lot will enjoy Fairfax as much as we do. It's not a bad place as places go. The nobles are alright as nobles go, except Foss. He's a right git. Yeah you heard me Foss. Love you mate. (wow this whiskey is really good) Just to let you all know, any friend of Sammy's is a friend of the Brotherhoods'. If you need something or a little help just let us know.

P.S Sammy, next time you see Nuka tell him to send me a pigeon. He wanted me to introduce him to Jehan, since Jehan used to be a Wolk-kin as well.

P.S.S Also if you notice two missing casks of ale. Me and Vexx needed them for this brilliant idea we had the other night. Can' t really remember what it was, but it was brilliant. I think we accomplished it. I awoke in field with no pants, which I think was part of the plan.

Your pants are currently up a pole acting as a make-shift flag for your "newly discovered country", which happens to be in the back alley behind my bar. To Vexx's credit, he did manage to write up half of a letter of war claiming "Keepertopia" was being invaded by the fine people of "Vexxville". I say half a letter because the second half is covered in throw up. Although, upon second thought, that might have been his version of signing the document.
Sam, please continue to call him Thaddy. It will only make things more interesting for me. *Grins mischievously*
Sam Company,

Welcome to Fairfax. If you have any need of Earth magics, please let me know. I look forward to seeing how you can contribute to the betterment of the area.

Circle Master Eric Marsters
Circle Master of Briarpass and Fairfax
Greater Earth Guild of Wayside
Welcome to town!

- George Algard
Thank You to The Company for taking it this foreigner with respect and dignity. Many that I met last Market day merely saw the color of my skin and treated me with suspicions and distain. I know that my people do have a reputation but The Company saw me for how I am. Thank you again from your newest member.
Aramis Seablade
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It is honor to call you a friend, Aramis!
And thanks to all for the warm welcome. I came to Wayside on a whim and I do not regret it one bit.

-Terra Jane
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