We came ready to deal but we got decked!


Alright This is the thread for thoes really bad jokes that were said by the playing card NPCs while we were waiting outside. I don't remember who said which ones I'm just listing the ones I can recall at the moment.

It was really a full house in there.
Take heart.
We got flushed.
Shuffle (then we would move around on the log)

Well my brain is crashing so I can't remember much more at the moment.
Perhaps someone else can keep it going.

Ohhhhh curse you people and your terrible puns! Alas but the NPC's were not alone I remember a certain red cloaked elf saying. "How much does a pirate pay for corn? ....................... a buckanear." .......

There were some others.

As for my favorite things. Well being able to say I killed evil red butterflies then fought with a deck of cards is pretty frickin cool.

Butterfly maze kicked arse. Nuff said.

I must say though you guys were decked out pretty well. Bad puns excluded.