As you may have noticed, we've been having fewer and fewer NPCs at our games. While this is mostly due to the fact that so many of them have switched over to PCing, it means that the issue of 'not enough NPCs' has been compounded, and our NPC to PC ratio is getting lower and lower. What this means is that we need more NPCs! We could always use new players, so if you've got some of those in your back pocket, drag them out to the game, but if you've been looking to make the switch for a game or two, we'd love to have you on our team! Our upcoming event, "Valley of Ghosts Episode 4: The Edge," will be taking place outside of Tarndale, and while it will still continue our plotline, being 'out of town' may be the excuse your PC needs to sit this one out while you come join us on the Dark Side. Worried about learning too many plot secrets while behind the curtain? Don't be! We make an effort to select our roles for 'temporary' NPCs so that they don't gain too much information that might ruin surprises for them when they go back to PCing.
To help sweeten the deal, we're changing our NPC policy so that all NPCs play for Free! You also gain gobbies, experience for your character, and you can buy into the NPC meal plan for $15!
To help sweeten the deal, we're changing our NPC policy so that all NPCs play for Free! You also gain gobbies, experience for your character, and you can buy into the NPC meal plan for $15!