Weapon Creation Newbie Question


I have a question about the thrusting tips and weapon surface dimensions, specifically for swords.

There appears to be no minimum/maximum for volume of a sword surface other than the 5/8 inch foam that needs to cover the core. If I build a short sword using 1/2 inch pvc with 5/8 foam, then the thickness of the weapon surface will be 1 3/4 inches. The thrusting tip requirements (page 79, and chart on page 80 of rulebook) state that the tip for a short sword must not be less than 2 inches. It is also stated that a thrusting tip may not be longer than its diameter. So a thrusting tip for a short sword must have a minimum of a 2 inch diameter to at least match the 2 inch length of the thrusting tip. Therefore, a short sword using these materials and dimensions would have a noticeable thrusting tip that would stand out (diameter wise) from the weapon surface.

My question is just a simple: Am I reading/understanding this correctly? Should the thrusting tip actually stand out a bit from the weapon surface in the above scenario?

I generally cut 2" thick foam into ~2" squares, even though it's a little larger than the diameter, it doesn't stand out that much after you've taped it/cover it with a sock.
I would like to hear the answer on this, though, because I've considered cutting circular thrusting tips.
Yes, you've read it right. If you're using 1/2" core, and you don't want a bulging sword tip (insert joke here) (insert "insert" joke here) (ad infinitum), you need to use 3/4" wall foam.