Weapons and Supplies


Hello Folks

I have had a number of folks over the last two events (Last HQ + National) talk to me about weapon supplies and weapon comissions. I have to admit there is no way I could have tracked everything. I have a rough time with names and faces. I recall someone asking me about a two handed club for a Dryad possibly...I cannot recall who that might have been now. And there were conversations about pipe foam as well. Please contact me soon on this board via pm or here so I can make sure I get everything together for October...I should be able to get some orders for materials by September but I cannot promise finished weapons until October. Thanks

Joe Siegel
aka Simon
the two handed club was for Scott Babcock (Castlebur on the boards though) I will let him know to get in touch with you again.

Where do you get your Kite Tape from?
There is a site called merchantwares that I have used forever. However I get the feeling from my most recent visit there (everyone who I have talked to...I have the cores!!) it looks like it might not be in that business forever. That said if you look around for adhesive backed nylon rip stop kite tape you can find a few others out there....the problem is that the times I have tried colors other than black the tape proved to transparent. In fact the stuff she sells now is quite a bit heavier than when I got from her 2-3 years ago.

Joe Siegel
For my request just check our pms