weapons fabrication

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JP Smith

Do weapons have to have padding on non-striking surfaces? example, does the shaft of a spear need to be padded? also do striking surfaces need to utilize open cell foam or can it be closed cell? can I use hockey tape on the grips of a weapon? Can shields be of any shape? I know there is a size maximum, just not sure on shape rules.
Weapons are suppose to have some padding on non-striking surface (flats of blades).

The shaft of a spear can be unpadded (at least I have seen some that way) but we recommend using some sort of padding or covering (like grip tape).

The striking surface is typically closed cell. If you are using open cell, Its recommended to place closed cell underneath (about a half inch thick).

Hockey tape can be used for grips.

Shields can be any shape as long as they are under 531 square inches and the longest dimension cannot be longer than 36".
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And always good to check with your local safety marshal.
Norm is right, but if you're looking at odd shapes any "voids" in the shield still count for shield size (shield donuts count the hole as well).

Also, what Cedric said!
Be aware that hockey tape comes out sticky when you unroll it. Some people like to sprinkle talcum powder over it to get rid of the stickiness -- or at least plan to wear gloves while wielding the weapon. It usually takes a full weekend event or sometimes a little more to wear off the sticky.

If you're applying grip to a 1-handed weapon, I recommend using Wilson brand tennis racket grip tape. You can purchase it in the sporting goods section of Walmart fairly inexpensively -- In my area, it's about $2.25. It can be purchased from Amazon and online sources, but I think Walmart gets a great bulk price since it's usually much more expensive online. Tennis racket grip is not sticky on both sides like hockey stick grip is. It provides a comfortable grip even bare-handed. It's inexpensive, and easy to apply.

Trace Moriarty
Weapons & Safety Marshal
Alliance Denver
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