
Hey Everyone,

So, I am currently recompiling my boffer weapon making supplies.

I have quite a stock of duct tape, and soon some Gaff tape as well, open cell foam is easy enough to come by, as is PVC.

I would, however, like some opinions.

Where would you say the best site to purchase Carbon Fiber is? Price/Customer Service/Shipping time, and all that.

Also, where would you suggest purchasing closed cell pipe insulation? Same parameters as the carbon fiber.

Thoughts would be helpful.

As a secondary note, I am itching to make weaponry, and while I intend to begin filling up my own personal stocks again, I was wondering if anyone needed any reps made? I used to have some skill at making reps, and now that I am not poor, and don't have to scrounge, I feel that I can only improve on my skills. So if you have a commission for a weapon you'd like made, give me a Beep at xXDamienChildXx, and I'd be happy to chat with you about it.

So, that being said, I await to hear back from y'all.



also taco bell.

Dan Nickname Beshers said:
Turkey sandwich with vodka in the mustard.

Can you eat meat again?! Oh, hooray!

Oh, wait. We ate hot dogs like three weeks ago. I should have realized that.

Hm. I wonder how well those dogs keep. Long enough to make it from RI to Kingston, and then to my belly, perhaps?
finished the boffer long hammer that Darius traded the tag for food at the last event. I shall bring it in May...YAY...I think I will name it Donder. Although my sword is Lucky Charms so I'm not sure what would go along with that....hmmmmm
d'oh! local hardware stores have Frost King 5/8 pipe insulation. Get the kind for 3/4" copper tubing...usually mom and pops hardware stores ....home depot and stuff like that doesn't carry the thick stuff..