Weary Traveler in Need of Stuff


Anyone have a sleeping bag, extra blanket and pillow borrowable by a weary traveler coming up from Arizona. I can trade you for ..... cactus dirt?


(This will of course be for the November event)
I can lend you my gear. I am missing this event.
I'll bring you NOTHING (mainly because I don't have extra gear and partially because you won't be able to fight as well if you don't sleep.)
I always have a couple of extra blankets, so if you need some, let me know. :)
We can bring some extra pillows for you Holly. If you need other things let us know, we would be happy to help you out. :) It will be super nice to see you.
Now Ron, just because of that post, we all will be making sure she sleeps very very well, and then pull the pin and send Slice after Blue Eyes, just for you.
Oh, Slice can come after blue eyes all by herself, anytime she wants... That goes for any member of Zodiac... But seriously, awesome to know we get Dr. Holly and a bunch of Zodiac.
Thanks everybody for all the offers. Looks like Bryan and Amy have got me covered. I am super excited to come back and play with you all. As for you Ron, I don't know if you noticed, but we never sleep anyways. If I actually got a full nights rest I imagine Slice would not be so cranky and would probably just make friends with all the bad guys, sit around, and drink tea.
It's possible to get a full night's rest at an Alliance event? *Mind Blown*
I like the new well slept Slice. She should come to an Oregon event. Also, welcome back, Doctor!

Pfft. Who needs a full night? Isn't that what Elven Go Juice is for?
Blue Eyes clean up on Isle 4 is it? Sounds like a date to me! See you on the field ^_~

(Or will you be the one to get it later!?)