
Hello all, Im sorta new sorta not My name is still on the Webpage and ive NPCed one event along time ago (dident have a job so no moneys to acculy play a char) now i have a job and want to get back into it but the Websight Needs a Serious Update no offence but its kinda Out dated(Some parts i think)now i know it may be due to not haveing Access to the Account on the Host server, but i almost left before checking the message boards, im glad i dident but its just something i though id bring up, sorry about the um...ranting on my first post :D any way i hope to be able to hit an event soon

Donald Martin
AKA: Warumonojuji
It took me a little while to figure out how to pronounce your name.

As for the updates... They'll get to it when they get to it!

*hides behind Dave*
Warumonojuji said:
the Websight Needs a Serious Update no offence but its kinda Out dated(Some parts i think)now i know it may be due to not haveing Access to the Account on the Host server, but i almost left before checking the message boards, im glad i dident but its just something i though id bring up, sorry about the um...ranting on my first post

No problem, it's really pretty valid.

The Trade Economics section refers to Crocavia and Gianeria through-out, and although that's something fairly minor, one of the links on the main page is titled "Gianeria" and goes to a page which is under construction. The "Character Status" thing should probably be taken down, since I don't think it's been functional for several years, and is appearantly still being run by Jim. ;) The "New Player" section references the wrong rulebook. The last newsletter was from August 2002! The player list is obsolete. Most of the Links are defunct. And, perhaps most subtlely, all of those 'sheilds' that you use to navigate the site? Those are all the standards of the various duchies of Iyavae. It's been so long since they've been used, that I only remember that the black one is for Rosalia.

Obviously, much of this is fairly minor, but the Event Schedule really needs to be fixed, that would at least have told people like Donald here that the game still exists. That, and the link to the Forum needs to be placed way better.
I don't know who it is proper to go to with this offer, so I'm making it here. I'd be more than happy and willing to fix up, update, and/or redesign the website. I love working on websites! It's a hobby of mine. If whomever is in charge of making that decision wants to take me up on it, please let me know how to get in contact with you. My e-mail is CaptainMyst@aol.com.
