Website Content

We almost have a functioning website again. I've been working on the layout and the content for a while, and Jimmy has taken to the back-end to handle the computer bidness. While we still need some pictures and art, most of the content has been generated except for a few things. Some of it needs to be handled by plot and staff, but there are a few things that pretty much anyone could write, so I'm putting them out there to see if anyone is willing to let me take a breather from the content for a little while. The following three things need a really low-level, very broad description for non-larpers:
  • What is LARPing?
  • What is Alliance LARP?
  • What is Alliance Seattle?
Keep in mind that these things will be in the context of a webpage, so you don't need to describe processes or details on how to do things at events. We have pages for logistics, character creation, etc, so if you find yourself needing to reference one of those things, put something like (link here) or some-such, and if we use your writeup, I'll put in the links when I do the other editing and formatting. Post suggestions, content, etc, here, or send it to me at If we use your work, we will pitch you some gobbies for your time. Thanks!
I'm writing something out, but I need some guidelines. Approximately how -much- writing do you want? Approximately a page? Half a page? A paragraph or two for each question?
Basically, enough to answer the question. It's going on a webpage, so we don't have a space limitation, but if it's too long, people won't read it through. There are also good resources for the Alliance-International split that already exist on the Alliance main webpage, and some other stuff that the "what is Alliance" page should have on it, like the chapter list and whatnot.