
Drew AGB Co-Owner

Gettysburg Staff
I would like to announce that Drew Resele (Rowen/Gabriel) and Amy Straub (Larien) will be getting married on January 10th 2009. I would like to thanks everyone for treating Amy and I like family over the last 11 years I have played. Amy and I will not be having a Honeymoon after the wedding, instead we are planning of saving our time and making one of the Alliance NJ events our Honeymoon, because you guys have shared so much with us. There are many people that have supported me through some rough times. And I want to give thanks to everyone. If we can afford it, I will host a small meal at the event we hold as our honeymoon and everyone in attendance at that event will be welcome. We are looking forward to making many new memories with our Alliance family.

Drew Resele
CONGRATULATIONS! Did you meet at a game? I'm always amazed at how many marriages have resulted from people meeting at the game. Even if nothing else, I am happy that something I helped create has brought so many happy people together.
Congratulations! We haven't met yet, but you have my best wishes just the same.
At the risk of sounding hackneyed - Congratulations! I wish you both many years of happiness and adventure.
Quick give Drew an enslavement antidote hehhe j/k Gratz bro. I will be joining you soon in the forever enslaved...ummm I mean joyishness that is getting married
Well I didnt meet Amy at The Alliance. I made her come to a game with me. Her first event was the National Event as a Lvl 1. And now..... She and addict. We look forward to going to alot of events this year.

Rowen said:
Well I didnt meet Amy at The Alliance. I made her come to a game with me. Her first event was the National Event as a Lvl 1. And now..... She and addict. We look forward to going to alot of events this year.

Awesome! Bring your friends next year!

Oh, and congratz!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Laguna Hallik said:
Congratz, guys! This is great news!

You still have to get us the info for your plays so we can make a little weekend trip to come see you!
Oh My Gosh! My Sister! *ahem* sorry......went in-game there for a sec. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO happy for you guys...I have something for the both of you that I give to all my friends that get married.....only condition is that you have to come to an HQ event to get it!!! ^_^ You know I wish you guys the most happiness in the universe, and I'll be send you all the best energies on your special day. Amy, I know you're going to be the most beautiful woman in the world that day, and Drew, may I say, you are one lucky man!!!!

Allegria, my friends, Allegria! (means happiness and joy)

~Meghan J D